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Mansion (newbie)


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I'm posting pics as I go along. I've never done this before and I'd appreciate some feedback as far as if I've modeled something wrong or if I'm missing something.

This used to be another thread (Walls) but I'm beyond that so I posted it as something more general.

Right now, as in the last 2 pics, I'm having problems with the elevation changes by the entryway, how its deeper by the door, goes up some stairs when inside, making it the general elevation of the rest of the house. How would I level the rooms next to it? I hope the pics explain what I mean.


These are my latest pics:





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you might want To consider just doing The Exterior elements ONLY

The exterior and interior have different rendering requirements = lighting


if you can close in The outside walls and Then model your ROOF

it will begin To look like something, Then you can add landscaping


sky, background, Trees etc


Then you can go back and do The inside later

just one possibility among Others = workflow


just an idea

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I dont think Im clear on this... your asking how to create the ramp - or how to create the stairs so that the ramp wouldnt be neccesary? Or something that I completly misread?

Its the ramp in the technial drawings?

Or maybe the elevation of the floor is even and on the same level that the last stair step is?

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