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benchmark database project

Joseph Pizzini

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Hello all,

I've been busy making a site dedicated to 3d benchmarking. You can find it at 3dspeedmachine dot com (it seems the spam filter is preventing me from using a URL...i dont consider this spam)

Its open to all 3d software applications and render plugins. I am working with Autodesk and others to get the word out to as many users as possible. The database functions are up and running I just need some users to test it out. Once you register you can setup your workstation profile and from there you can select the scene you want to benchmark and enter your render time.

This site will ultimately be run by the community and since I dont have access to all the 3d apps and render plugins, I will rely heavily on the users to submit scene files. If you would like to help out with this project please let me know. Click the "contribute" link on the site for more information.

The more users that register and the more scene files that are contributed, the better this resource will be for all.

Thanks for looking and please do let me know if you find something wrong with the site.

Much thanks,


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