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Apple Being Lazy


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JUst got myself a iPhone. Got a very good deal on it thanks to my wife.


Anyway, get to work and plug it in to activate it.


Big Problem!!


iPones are not compaitable with XP x64!




Luckly my pc at home is dual boot, 32 and 64 but still pain in the backside!

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Yeah, what you need to do is Google for the instructions on installing the Vista64 version of iTunes on XP64. It's a bit of a hack but you can install it. I haven't tried it with my iPhone but it does work with my AppleTV.

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this worked for me...




there is a zip file in the very first post "itunes802"


download it and run the batch file...


there were a couple other things I had to figure out, at first it will see ur iphone only as a camera...you need to go into the device manager and change the iphones driver to "mobile device" or something like that so its seen by itunes...then if you start itunes for the first time and it says "can't locate itunes folder or create one"...simply hold down the shift key while starting itunes, and it will prompt you to create an itunes folder...that one almost drove me crazy...good luck, it should work fine with updates to itunes, i hope, haven't tried that yet....

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Update for anyone interested...I was able to install iTunes 8.2...but lost the ability to sync with iphone...it needs a newer version of the applemobiledevice.exe...that guy that decompiled the installer has been updating that file all along...so lets hope he does it for the new version...I think you need the 8.2 version in order to upgrade to iphone 3.0...


if anyone knows anything that I don't feel free to post it... :)

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sometimes I scare myself...so I installed the 32bit version of itunes...and then downloaded the 64bit version of itunes...and used winrar to extract the new applemobiledevicesupport64.msi from the installer...then installed it, went to the device manager did the same thing, cause it was seen as a camera...and boom it worked...running iTunes 8.2 on x64...

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I can't believe it. You've out-Apple-hacked me.


hey Andrew, do you think its ok that I installed the 32bit version, the reason I did that originally was because I went to look for the itunes folder and found only a small part of the program in "program files" but found the bulk of itunes in the "x86 program files" so I just figured it was the 32bit version...the 64bit version won't install without some trimming inside the installer, but it all seems to work this way so far...

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