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VRAY Tensile structure material problem


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I'm using the vray for sketchup version and want to make a render for a tensile structure.


The main problem I have had it's on making the material because the tensile structure fabric that I must simulate its a little beigge translucent one.


So after many days I finally could make a material using the 2 sided material option and unchecking the double sided box from the options, and obtained a very nice traslucency just like the one the fabric has when it's installed. it can be aprecciated on the building wall and the shadow.:D


But the shadows over the membrane where completly lost and appeared to be just plain color.:(


Can any one help me with this I've been trying any kind of combinations for the 2 sided material, from applying one material only to one of the sides and the other none, to using two materials one opaque and the other translucid.


I show you the result on the attached image



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I'm using the vray for sketchup version and want to make a render for a tensile structure.


The main problem I have had it's on making the material because the tensile structure fabric that I must simulate its a little beigge translucent one.


So after many days I finally could make a material using the 2 sided material option and unchecking the double sided box from the options, and obtained a very nice traslucency just like the one the fabric has when it's installed. it can be aprecciated on the building wall and the shadow.:D


But the shadows over the membrane where completly lost and appeared to be just plain color.:(


Can any one help me with this I've been trying any kind of combinations for the 2 sided material, from applying one material only to one of the sides and the other none, to using two materials one opaque and the other translucid.


I show you the result on the attached image




how about a VRayOverrideMtl, fake your shadow color by placing a simple material with a colored refraction (don't forget to check "affect shadows" in the shadow slot of the overridemtl.


I'm over-doing it slightly in my example to exaggerate the color, but you get the idea.

Edited by BrianKitts
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