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Anyone been to Imagina?

amer abidi

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Anyone been? or thinking of going?


I'm flirting with the idea of going in February (since I've always wanted to visit Monaco as well), and was wondering what to expect from Imagina? I mean meeting Jean Nouvel is enough to look forward to i guess, but you know what i mean. Is it worth the trip?

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Hi Amer,


I was there about 3 or 4 years ago and to be very honest I didn't take that much away from it. Any of the new trends coming down the track are posted online anyway. Also I kinda found that it was more a platform for companies to sell than to educate or inform - maybe thats changged over the years though. Having said that if I had the time and resources to go again I probably would and Monaco is amazing. Defo much better though if you go with someone.


Hope this helps



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Thanks Nick,


I had a feeling it would be, as you put it, more of a seller's exhibit than an added value benefit; still it must've come a long way in the past 3 or 4 years. Im just not sure if i'll b getting any more from going there than i would be getting a few weeks later online.


The only real "plus" im looking forward to right now is Monaco, but as it stands right now it's not a good enough a reason for me to attend Imagina... and yes, if i go, i'd be traveling with my woman.


Thanks again for your input mate :)

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also been there a couple years ago and I actually took away allot. It's there that I met Jeff, Quizzy and Olivier Campagne


Olivier got a new site I see (http://www.oliviercampagne.com/).


It was the time before I started in arch viz and these guys helped me allot in making my decision. If you can go just for the networking then I say go.


The Imagina Awards ceremony is also very good and the level of work displayed is from the top shelves.

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The main reason to go to any event is not so much for the sessions as it is for networking. Invaluable IMHO. Every major connection I've made and opportunity I've been presented in my career has been a directly/indirectly result of connections I make at conferences. Thus the reason I fly 60,000+ miles per year.


IMAGINA is primarily attended by artists and businesses in France so there is definitely a unique spin on everything. Most sessions are presented in French, but they have live translations. The last few years that have been slowly improving the event, but the arch viz component is geared more towards urban planning and city modeling than day to day visualization. I've been 4 times, but did not go last year. Monaco is a wonderful place for sure. Really unlike any place else.


Most of the networking they set up is via all of the "experts" they fly in each year so that sponsors can meet with them in PIMs "Personal Information Meetings". After all that's what helps pays for the event. There is usually a party to mingle with attendees on the night of the awards. The awards are really high end for sure. The prince of Monaco attends and they have a really high level production. The quality of work on the entertainment side is really high, but the arch viz has been spotty. I did not see it last year so I can't comment if it's got better.


They usually get around 1000+ attendees, but I suspect that could be lower this year as every conference I've been to this year has been smaller.


If you can go, it's a treat, but don't go with the goal of seeing the sessions only.

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Thanks guys, really appreciate it.


I was quite concerned with demographics and where attendees would be coming from. I Know the event has international exposure, but it seemed to me to be based on a more local and regional attendees base, and Jeff you've just confirmed my anticipation, so thanks for that.


Networking is always good, but right now in my life its the knowledge im hungry for, and since this trip would incur heavy travel costs, i think i'll save monaco for some other time and look for something closer to what im looking for.

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