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CGarchitect Video Intro/Motion Graphics Competition

Jeff Mottle

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For those of you wanting to try something new with your video post skills, we're hosting a video motion graphics competition. If your entry is selected it will be seen by tens of thousands of people in the industry.


Over the next year, we are going to start posting a lot more video content on the site and our YouTube Channel, so we need a motion graphics video intro with soundtrack. We'll be selecting the best intro and using it at the beginning of every one of our videos.





The winner of the best submission will receive $1,000 US cash and a 10% discount on any products in the CGarchitect Visualization Shoppe for 1 year.


The deadline is March 31, 2010


For specific competition rules and details, please download the PDF attached to this post. If you have any questions, post them here.


Good Luck!

Edited by Jeff Mottle
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Hi all,


I've been asked to comment on the inspiration of the logo to help guide the artistic direction. The logo was actually designed on a tournament site where different artists compete to win your support of their design. In the beginning my original ideas were quite different, but at the last minute one designer came up with the current logo concept.


I don't know for sure what their motivation was, but what I personally liked about it was the fact that the outline is that of a cube with a few edge indicators. The diagonal edge line took it out of the realm of being too literal and in combination with the slight gradient gave it a sense depth and interest. I wanted it to be a mark that hinted at architectural design, 3d and could stand the test of time by being simple enough and not following a hot logo trend.


Not sure if that will help, but that was the reasoning for my choosing this design over the 500 other submissions.

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Nope it was not extended. We received only 4 submissions though and 0 for the t-shirt design. Nils over at Neoscape submitted the best entry, I'll try to post it here soon as it was pretty cool. If I ever figure out a way to dig myself out from under all of this work that seems to pay no money!



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