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VRay Standalone?


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I haven't found much information on what, exactly, VRay standalone is. Is it a totally separated rendering program to import the models into, and if so, where do the materials, lighting, get set up?


I'm interested in knowing, as there seems to be no plugins, if you can model in modo/silo and then simply export the model into VRay as a separate program for rendering.

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Ok, thanks Maxer. Can you elaborate, I wasn't able to find information about this on their site?


Do you set up the materials/lighting etc. in the modeling application and then bring it all in VRay to render? If so, can anyone share their experience with having to jump back and forth between the modeling app. and the render app. to tweak settings?

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Here's a direct quote from Vlado:

"The standalone is just a command-line renderer. It does not have a GUI of any sort expect for the V-Ray VFB. As such, you can't really import anything into it. The only thing that it understands is the .vrscene file format. You can export .vrscene files from 3ds Max or from Maya."

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