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Link to the Forum in the Title Bar


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Nisus... HOW long did it take u to notice that LOL ;o)


Seriously... it would be good to have a link to the forums on the main bar because the site takes ages to load for me here in the UK and the current link is one of the last parts of the page that loads up...

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Well, no one commented. I was puzzled by it, but don't like to pile tasks on JM, so I simply bookmarked the 'get_daily' page and grab it from the recent visit list.

Still, you would think that a direct link would encourage forum activity, instead of having to wade through 'resources' to find the forum. OK, Jeff, you know what needs doing!


How long it took doesn't really matter since no one else realised it before
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  • 3 weeks later...

good ;)


I guess your not the only one falling behind... It's been 5 days since I walked in too...


Why don't you add extra checkbuttons in the post?

( ) extremely urgent (wake up Jeff!)

( ) urgent (direct mail and automatic mobile call every hour to Mr.Mottle)

( ) normal (flashing topic whenever Jeff connects to the forum)

( ) not important at all (regular post)

( ) not to be found (secret messages to all non-moderators...)





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