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Has anyone here used both FormZ and AutoCAD?


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I found this LISP over at CADalyst, which reminds me terribly of how one would use ghosted objects in Form Z.




Just wondering what you think of that technique described to put objects in AutoCAD onto an unused hidden layer in AutoCAD, like the ghosting idea which was so popular in FormZ modeller.

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Anyone else have this prob with defpoints and audits?


Putting objects on non-plot layer.


Published date: 2003-06-09

ID: TP00095


Applies to:

AutoCAD® 2002



Putting objects on non-plot layer. If you have objects that you want to put on a non-plot layer such as Defpoints. Create the a layer named no-plot, this will allow you to use this layer instead of the Defpoints layer. The reason for doing this is because, when you put objects on the Defpoints layer, other than the definition points of a dimension which it was designed for and you run the Audit command. The Audit command will create a layer called $AUDIT-BAD-LAYER, it will then put all the objects you had on the defpoints layer on this layer. It will therefore not be on a no-plot layer any longer. If you createt the no-plot layer to begin with you will save yourself some headaches down the road.


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