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holiday village_pool side


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I need your c&c to improve this image.

the architectural design does not belong to me so please make your crits on the cg work.

the material on the pergola cover, is the choice of the architect... but I am unhappy with it-it should be something like bamboo so I made this material using gradient ramp.

it is standard lighting- fakosity.

thanks in advance :)

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it's nice but there's two things i can see that could be better to improve image


first the pool looks like it's 0,50 metters deep

the tiles seem to be very close to water

afraids me... wouldn't jump init... lol


second think is that the images looks a little 'whity' maybe add a few color saturation or something


modelling looks nice

maybe u could add some 'parasol' (sunshade?) so peops who are afraid of suburnt & skin cancer will be hapy... :)


ps (thx for the mail)

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hey giraffe!


I like the water, although I agree with kingeldar that the pool doesnt look deep enough, and there should probably be 15-20 cm from the water-surface up to the "ground level".


Your background trees are more desaturated than your 3d-objects, so maybe you could give the background some more color in photoshop, or desaturate the rendered objects.


the ground-tiles closest to the camera looks very nice and real.


the "pergola cover" -material doesnt look good, but you already know that. maybe if you found good bamboo-texture instead of the gradient it would look better? or if you modeled each bamboo-stick? Then it would be easy to add some imperfections to it, (it looks too perfect now).


overall a nice image! just needs some tweaking

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Why does anybody swim in that pool?

You could try a diferent point of view, like from the pool adding some little waves, you could try also use diferents objects at diferents distance (like chairs) put some people in the nearest chair and in the pool to reach more depth.

Another think, what time is it in the picture?, you have light like noon with sunset shadows :$.

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