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Wrong shadows


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as CHE said, check your RAY BIAS shadows settings, use 0.0.


You can see RAYBIAS as the distance between the shadow and the object that is casting it. The higher te number in the raybias the bigger the space between the object and the shadow start.

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Everybody out of the pool! Got to scoop out the dead flat guy! Everyone out!




ANyways, about the RPCs, some of them arent casting shadows (the kid in the right) and some of them casting shadows in the wrong direction (the couple walking on the left)

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Everybody out of the pool! Got to scoop out the dead flat guy! Everyone out!


Now that you mentioned....when you look at the water, it seems the guy never dived at all!!!!


Now, about the image, maybe you should adjust your exposure control setting to gain more contrast. It looks a bit flat imho.




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hi everyone


It's an image made about 1 year ago... and I was just trying to know about the shadows that until now I didn't know how to solve the problem and I took this image to show the problem. But you've found my flat diver... lol... anyway, it's an image that i won't work on it anymore....


by the way, I'm learning a lot with you guys


Thank you so much!!

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