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Rel 9???


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just wondering your thoughts on it.


talk's been poopoo'd over in cgtalk about it, which i agree with.


personally speaking, i use c4d 1% modelling and 99% rendering, so all i wish for is a sevear increase in speed in the gi render engine, or the use of external renderers, which, in both cases, is a lot further off than rel 9


with those comments in mind, im happy with current progress. faster rendering certainly isnt going to happen tomorrow. the program is top notch as it is so far.

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talk's been poopoo'd over in cgtalk about it, which i agree with


I haven't had the strength to wade through the cgtalk C4D forum. What 'features' are being discussed, especially what that would help US?


I suppose I could try to press Maxon on the dxf/dwg import stuff I was mentioning recently, for r9. That would make the program better.

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Like I said in another post I'm using the modeling tools for more of my work, and any advances are always welcome. However, the xref facility and improved import/export would be a strong statement for the Architectural CG community, and place C4D well ahead of Maya in that regard.


C4D Has great texture tools, and improvements in that area would benefit all of Maxon's target markets. Not to mention, BodyPaint is fantastic!


I'm quite satisified with C4D's render engine. I'm not really interested in using 3rd party renders. I do agree that improvements and speed with GI rendering are in order for a new release.

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I'm going to see if I can get one of their developement people on the phone, rather than just asking a techsupport guy to 'pass on' my idea. At its simplest, the idea about improved dwg import does not involve re-coding anything in the program, its just how an import filter handles project set-up. The difficulty I'm having retooling my thinking is going to pretty representitive of anyone coming to C4D from an architectural background.

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The difficulty I'm having retooling my thinking is going to pretty representitive of anyone coming to C4D from an architectural background.
well thats exactly what i've done, but with 1 major differnece -


you've always moved between acad and lightscape. now thats a wonderfull software partnership which belong in bed together for eternity imo, so compatible and seamless.


i've always moved between acad and max/viz. this same seamlessness doesnt occure. mainly due to the fact that things like nestled blocks and referenced blocks aren't recognised in max either. but because i've used 3dstudio since the very begining i've naturally taylored my working methods to use these softwares. cinema 4d is exactly the same as max in this respect. only xreffing is missing.


unfortunately for you, you may be stuck in this respect because i suspect the relationship between acad and lightscape is so unique, and may remain this way.


and unfortunately because lightscape has been shelved, and, as you well know, you need to move on and advance, perhaps a permanent radical change in your working methods are in order. it certainly shouldn't be a problem when you finally manage to integrate it, as you know, everyone who doesn't use lightscape can do it, and i suspect thats a huge majority of archi visualisers (ie, non acad-ls users).


as i say, i no need to really mention this as you are fully aware of it. i can just appreciate the connundram you must be facing. i faced a similar one 2 years ago when i decided to drop max for c4d. luckily the transition was only a problem in getting to know the basics. c4d and max (and most other 3d apps for that matter) aren't a million miles different from each other, specially in drawing import methods. LS just happens to be different.


but also, when you do manage to convert completely over to a new renderer for your output, you'll wonder why you never did it before. lets hope maxon will integrate a better dwg conversion in the future (altho i personally suspect not due to lack of interest maybe).


looks like jorbu just recently converted - http://www.cgarchitect.com/vb/showthread.php?t=5082


i've never used lightscape before and am gutted i missed out on the opportunity to do so. i still think LS renders are LIGHT YEARS AHEAD of anything else available today on the market. lets hope that sometime in the future it re-finds itself.


and if anyone tries to tell me that the LS render engine is integrated into max/viz 4,5,6 or whatever, then ur wrong. it maybe in part, but thats not good enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...
would be great if it could have:



texture baking

RPC Support



C4D does have instances which are similar to xrefs.

Texture baking is available.

RPC support is up to archvision.... I really wish I could spend my money on their products too.

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xrefs - the guys over at cidertank keep promising to write me a plug in for this. no sign of it yet tho. instancing is good for what it is, but being able to import a whole file as a proxy would be even better.


texture baking - c4d DOES do texture baking. has done for ages.


RPC - yup, would be good. i email archvision every now and then about this and they assure me it will happen sooner of later.

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I've been on Maxon's case about the issues of importing Autocad files. I've got them to send my ideas off to the developement team in Germany. But to really make it happen they suggest posts to the user suggestion box--they say they really pay attention to that. But I have another idea which I have to discuss with Jeff Mottle, so I will do that when I get back from my visit to California (hello from beautiful San Francisco). I think we can make a real difference here for the next version. I'll post more on this as it happens...

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I think we can make a real difference here for the next version. I'll post more on this as it happens...


Sounds like a great idea. I would like to see Maxon take Architectural CG head on as a marketing strategy in the next version.

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Sounds like a great idea. I would like to see Maxon take Architectural CG head on as a marketing strategy in the next version.


When I was pitching ideas to, well, tech support, I made the point that they were not very prominent in the architectural market, the guy said that internally they see gaining share in that market as very important. So I think we will have their ears...

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Also other import versions from Architectural specific CAD applications like ArchiCad. I think Revit already has a good import filter (correct me if I'm wrong) but surely ArchiCad, ADT and all the other building simulation CAD software is the market they should really aim at. The model is already done, doors, windows, stairs etc. I know C4D is highly thought of in the ArchiCad circles but the continual bone of contention is the awkwardness of importing into C4D. The client wants a change to the model, you don't want to have to change the ArchiCad model AND the C4D model.

Artlantis has had a huge market share of ArchiCad users, primarily because of the ease of updating. You update the ArchiCad model, save it as an Artlantis file and the original Artlantis file has all it's geometry updated whilst retaining all the lighting and materials that were originally assigned.

If Cinema could emulate this, loads of Architectural firms would look much closer at it for inhouse rendering .........hold on...........then I'd be out of a job!!! Forget what I just said.

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Artlantis has had a huge market share of ArchiCad users, primarily because of the ease of updating. You update the ArchiCad model, save it as an Artlantis file and the original Artlantis file has all it's geometry updated whilst retaining all the lighting and materials that were originally assigned.


Unfortunately Graphisoft owns Artlantis and they are developing Artlantis as a more integrated part of ArchiCad. However this can be a good thing, excepting that I don't particularly care for the Artlantis interface. This will probably reduce the possibility of a partnership between the two companies.

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I use C4d and Form Z .

And have problems with receiving drawings from Auto cad that have Xref elements.


Z had a 'symbol' option which I guess is like X Ref in Auto cad where the bass file is linked to other files and when the other fill is updated the bass file updates.



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yeah, xref in autocad is where a new drawing is set up say, and a base drawing is remotly inserted or 'proxyed' into it. and when the xref file is updated, it automatically updates the xref in the new drawing too.


as it stands c4d wont do xreffing, which is a shame. Instancing is just a simpler version of xreffing. infact it's more like xreffing within the same drawing - it will only instance things within the same drawing, and wont instance/xref from external sources.


if you recieve autocad drawings that have 'gaps' where the xref drawing should go, you should make sure the whole drawing is 'bound' as one complete drawing at source first before you get it. else it's trying to link to a drawing that just aint there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As an ArchiCAD-user I don't like Art*lantis, so I ended up with mostly 3ds max, but from time to time I use Cinema4D (CE-version + demo of 8).


Are you aware that Nemetschek (that owns Maxon's Cinema4D & VectorWorks) has a plugin that can do this for the combination of VW & C4D?


That means that a lot of that knowledge and coding is allready there.


They would have a huge marketing opportuinity if that would allow this hosting of VW files in Cinema4D for other formats as well, but it might just as well be that this is more about politics then about features.



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