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MAX6 MR Displacement Shader

William Alexander

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Great shader and displacement, beats the snot out of anything I have used.


The question/s, see attachement

*This is obvoiusly a mesh realted problem

*Apears to be view dependant, i.e. displacing toward camera or sampling based on poly face & view angle

*This is an extreme case, large aspect and high AA sampling (16/4)


? Is the MR tessalation/displacement view dependant and or object (vertices/ polys)

? Would one large poly eliminate the per poly face sampling

? Is edge visibility an issue

? Would a direction displacement sub map be worth the effort to create and use.

? Any technical explanation as to how MR & the displacement shader interprets the map and geometry. Grass displacement would be awsome, but with these types of issues it may look like a genetic seed farm's test field.



Thanks for any info


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> Is the MR tessalation/displacement view dependant and or object (vertices/ polys)

--Its Both. You can adjust the parameters thru the Render Tab of The render Dialog


> Would one large poly eliminate the per poly face sampling

--No, its not necessarily the case. You can even do a great displacement with even the lowest polygon count.


> Is edge visibility an issue

--Yes. Use the MR edge shader to elliminate this.


> Would a direction displacement sub map be worth the effort to create and use.

--Havent been successfull so far. But you can try it using the shaderlist.


> Any technical explanation as to how MR & the displacement shader interprets the map and geometry. Grass displacement would be awsome, but with these types of issues it may look like a genetic seed farm's test field.

--Too bad, discreet sucks at this when it comes to documentation. But there was a free video tutorial about this at evermotion.org


Hope this helps.


Btw, Grass in MR is great. IMO

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