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Archicad Stud Component...


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Has anyone had any problems with the stud wall component/wall framing accessory in Archicad 8 R1 (student version or otherwise)? -ie-not appearing in the object browser. Any replies would be appreciated as this is driving me nuts and I need it for a college project...


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I see no one has replied to your post.

I really don't use the framing accessories in ArchiCad much. However, it seems that the problem may be a simple one.


To use the acessory:

Select the wall or roof you want to apply the framing to, then select Accessories > Wall Accessories... and an object dialog box will open. At this point you can edit the parameters etc. If you need to make a change to the object later, make sure you select the object not the wall it's attached to before editing the selection.


Let us know if this helps.

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Thanks, but I wasn't very clear in my posting - I can get as far as the object dialogue box - and the various accessories options come up: canted wall etc, but the wall framing object is missing. I reloaded the libraries and tried to repair the install using the installation disc but no luck. Does this ever happen where random library objects don't appear in the browser? Is it a recognised bug - ie. is there a patch for it? Also, where do you find the "lumber" calculations that are supposed to make use of this feature - I don't recall the manual mentioning this, although I'll check it tonight... Thanks for your help.

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Is it a recognised bug - ie. is there a patch for it?


There is a Maintenance Release for ArchiCAD it's Version 8.1 R2/V2. There are two separate patches, one for the application and one for the library. You can download both of them here.


This may take care of the problem. In any event, you should install the update because it addresses speed issues and is performing quite well. I'll post an announcement at the top of this fourm for a while so people are aware of it.

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Thanks for your help. However, all of those updates are for Archicad 8.1 only. I have the student version 8.0, and while I see that 8.1 is available free to owners of version 8, there is no option to download it off their website. By the time I can get to the reseller on the other side of the country (ROI), my deadline will have passed. Why does graphisoft release incomplete software - ie. the documentation mentions the stud feature, but it doesn't turn up in the library. Just to check, I opened the library file for both version 8.0 and version 8.1 in wordpad and did search for Wall Framing. As you can guess, it didn't turn up in one of the versions. Is there an update that I can download to go from 8.0 to 8.1?

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I just checked their website myself again. Unfourtunately if you have 8.0 and need the 8.1 update you will have to contact your reseller to get the 8.1 update. I don't understand why your reseller didn't contact you when 8.1 came out.


The issue with the wall framing object has me puzzled since I was using it yesterday and today and it worked just fine. Unless you are unaware of the interface used to activate it.


To access the wall framing you need to select the wall or walls you want to use to generate the framing. Then go to Extras > Accessories > Wall Accessories... A dialog box will appear where you can specify the Plate sizes, framing sizes, header sizes etc. Then click OK and it will generate all the framing and group them. They are still editable for modification to suit a specific situation.


The same works for Slab Accessories.. and Roof Accessories...


Is this what you were looking for?

If so I apologize for not understanding your question in the first place.

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Tom, thanks for your help. My college has a deal with the reseller so I didn't have to deal directly with them, or give any personal details. I guess I should be able to pick up the update next week from the store if they have it. As regards accessing the wall framing object - I'm pretty sure its just not in this version (or maybe it doesn't come with the student edition). I can access the accessories through the library browser as normal, or select the wall and go to the accessories menu as you mentioned, and there I find the other three objects: canted wall, wall mouldings and panels, and another one that I forget, but not the wall framing. Even after reinstalling the program.

I don't know if I should ask in the meantime, but would anyone have the actual .gsm object file that I could just download and stick it in my library? To have a complete building modelled with just the suppporting structure and beams and rafters would be pretty nice...

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