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british looking houses

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I am starting a new business in the UK/Ireland importing residential steel structures and I would like to include some British looking house visualisations on my web site (http://www.sunwayhomes.co.uk). The visualisations may help me in generating more work for my new business.


In exchange I will, of course, include a link to your site and hopefully this will generate work for you.


UK/Irish architects and developers visit my site regularly. In addition I am putting together a monthly newsletter (http://newsweaver.co.uk/sunwayhomeseurope/index000050486.cfm) that will go to about 5000 construction email addresses.


I am looking for single/multiple British looking houses

Please help.



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The visualisations may help me in generating more work for my new business.


In exchange I will, of course, include a link to your site and hopefully this will generate work for you.




We are all professionals who work long and hard to provide quality work for our clients for a fee. Typically, whilst we retain copyright for our works, clients have exclusive rights to use the images. The only exception to this may be our own portfolios. Our clients always retain design copyright.


I imagine that any of the users of this site will be pleased to discuss a comission to produce work for you though I would be suprised if you were to recieve many responses in exchange for a link to a website.



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Thanks for your kind response. I appreciate what you say and it was in my mind while posting the topic. I do not want to offend anyone and I am aware of the long hours needed to do some good work.


I feel I can offer further exposure to some of the forum users and maybe someone may take up the offer. At the moment I have about 100 people a day visiting the web site and as the newsletter goes out I hope many more.



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Hi Anthony,


I was just trying to put across an honest appraisal but you know, the more I think about it, you could put together some great bespoke images or an amazing animation showing the construction sequence for a house based on your system. I guess that aside from selling the system to those in the industry you are also potentially selling to private clients. Some well thought out visualisations could really help in assuring them that they get a good looking house at the end of the process - termite and big bad wolf proof too!



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We indee could put together some great bespoke images or amazing animations showing the construction sequence for a house based on your system.


We have done some basic work but it is not good enough to be posted on the web. One day, when budgets allows, we will go to a professional like you and we will have it done properly.

If you send me your email I will send you what we have done.


We are trying to sell to the industry. However we also get a lot of queries from self-builders, small builders and architects.


Thanks for your reply


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