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DrapeFX Beta


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Well we are using our own exported format..since extended rpf is a proprietery format of discreet for its applications. We are exporting the information which we require for Drapefx..by the Drapefx will be supporting animation files (.avi) too in the coming weeks...so the users could re-color and re-texture animated work too.




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Well I tried it, and the poor quality of the masks it produces makes it unusable. They don't seem to be antialiased at all. One can see the artifacts also in the example images of the gallery. I haven't seen a note that this is a limitation of the Beta version. One would better go for Combustion or a combination of an image editor (Photoshop) + a plugin like psd-manager that produces antialised mattes.


Just seems to be a lot of hassle using a proprietary image file format + a plug-in + a standalone application for the limited functionality. Support for RPF files would make it easier to use.



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I understand what you mean Daniel. Well the new build supports aa textures now and with no artifacts. You can have a control over the aa textures too from the options menu. Well only extended .rpf would support UVW mapping and PS does'nt support extended .rpf since its a propreitary Discreet format and they would not give excess to the extended rpf files. Btw.. the combination of "ps + psd manager" is not a solution for texturing your scene with the uvw maps you have applied in max.


Something else I would like to mention


"UV mapping of objects rendered out in RPF file format is supported in combustion but tiling parameters are not. If you adjust tiling to higher than 1x1 you will notice that the texture will appear stretched and distorted in combustion v1.01. This issue will be addressed in a future upgrade"



Well Drapefx support Tiling of textures using your max uvw mapping coords.


Anyways since we are still in the Beta stage and we will always support whatever the user needs and deliver the quality required.


Please give it a try now,





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You misunderstood me. I was not speaking of the texture AA. I speak of the artifacts at the edges of objects that were recolered/retextured. For example the modified Lexus.


After Effects can read RPF UVW mapping, and I doubt that discreet gave Adobe the specifictaion for it.



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hello Daniel,


well that was a quick color/texturing I did for the lexus...I will post the improved results in the drapefx forum threads...you can adjust the aa for textures as well as the edges...well simply choose the aa quality you need from the options and from the object/mask list on the right hand side panel ..right click and click on "get aa mask" it will load the mask according to option selected and refill..this way you get rid of the edges artifact...anyways thanks for taking a close look and feedback.


ok..now regarding the rpf...we have no plans to integrate rpf since its max specific output and we have LW, Maya and XSI plugins on the list of development..LW plugin should be completed soon tho..so I hope you understand.


I would be happy to take any cc's regarding Drapefx...I'm sure you wont be unsatisfied once the final product is ready.







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