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Hi All - Could you help out with a crit?


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Hi All


As this is my first post, I'll introduce myself:


I am currently a student in the UK going into my final year at University. I have decided architectural viz is a field I would very much like to get into, and so came across this forum whilst browsing the web.


Recently I have been producing some interior renders using skills I've acquired whilst completing my Degree (BSc Computer Animation). I would really appreciate a crit on a quick fly through I rendered and uploaded to YouTube (no textures). It's my first serious attempt and still a work in progress. Any comments would be welcome advice. I am using 3DS Max + Mental Ray.


Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6C3xiQoEUo



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Hey, noodle.


I'm a recent graduate myself and have only been in the feild for about 5 months.. But this is what i CAN tell you about your work.


Fisrt of all the lighting seems pretty good to me SO far, although there doesnt seem to be any source of interior light. Secondly, the camera path is fine, but you may want to play around with the curves in the curve editor to try to get some smoother transitions from position to position.. seems a little jittery or like a confused robot or something...


and lastly.. it seems like there might be something up with the geometry on the stairs... theres a lot of dark patches.. might want to check to make sure that there aren't any overlapping faces.


Most of the quality will come out of the materials and textures that you use. Make sure to keep coming back and getting critiqued on this because it seems like a pretty good work in progress!!.. great job!

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I'd suggest breaking your camera movement down into small segments rather than one sweep - pretty common mistake in starting animations - it will enable you to edit and change the order of your shots, and also it makes it a lot easier to manage (particularly when it comes to rendering the whole scene as its in smaller pieces!).


As a general tip, I'd try to make each camera move or each shot have a particular purpose (e.g. shows the connection with outside space, shows spec of kitchen, etc).

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