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Rendeting Issue


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Hello Guys,

I'm rendering one building view in vray 1.5 sp4 with vray sun and vray physical camera but all times when I'm rendering I'm getting different-2 renders some time it's come too dark some time it come flat. kindly guide me what wrong I'm doing of is it because of vray 1.5 sp4 or is it because of Vray System setting because I tried checking after changing it in Dynamic, Static and auto. It render fast when I use Dynamic, Render slow when I use Auto and very slow when I use Static Kindly do guide me in that as well what to use and how.

Need real help.

Edited by mu_688687
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I don't see any displacement/fur in your scene, so you'd be safe to leave it at static - but auto works fine.

Default geometry - internally V-Ray maintains four raycasting engines. All of them are built around the idea of a BSP tree, but have different uses. The engines can be grouped into raycasters for non-motion blurred and for motion blurred geometry, as well as for static and dynamic geometry. This parameter determines the type of geometry for standard 3ds Max mesh objects. Note that some objects (displacement-mapped objects, VRayProxy and VRayFur objects, for example) always generate dynamic geometry, regardless of this setting.


Static - all geometry is precompiled into an acceleration structure at the beginning of the rendering and remains there until the end of the frame. The static raycasters are not limited in any way and will consume as much memory as necessary.


Dynamic - geometry is loaded and unloaded on the fly depending on which part of the scene is being rendered. The total memory taken up by the dynamic raycasters can be controlled by the Dynamic memory limit parameter.


Auto - some objects are compiled as static geometry, while others as dynamic. V-Ray makes the decision on which type to use based on the face count for an object and the number of its instances in the scene.

Give us more info - maybe screens of your IRR Map/LC settings. Is the sun located in the bright spot above?


Also, I think a row of the balconies towards the bottom has the bottom poly flipped.

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The only thing that's standing out is your IRR Map post-proc saturation is 0.2 instead of the default 1.0, but this shouldn't make your building black.


It's more likely that your material bitmaps aren't loading properly. Are they on a network drive? Are there any errors in the VrayLog?

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That's odd. The log spit out an error about "Global" material, so I would try to resolve that. You should upgrade to SP5 while you're at it.


As far as the SP2 render, you need to comp it with an AO (vraydirt) pass and add some clouds. Depending on the height of the camera, you could put some trees at the bottom to give the viewer a sense of building height. If you don't have good cloud maps, play around with VrayCompTex:


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Hey Nick,

I used VrayCompTex as you said I got this output http://forums.cgarchitect.com/f15/farm-house-interior-61635.html#post309870 Kindly do comment ok.


That's odd. The log spit out an error about "Global" material, so I would try to resolve that. You should upgrade to SP5 while you're at it.


As far as the SP2 render, you need to comp it with an AO (vraydirt) pass and add some clouds. Depending on the height of the camera, you could put some trees at the bottom to give the viewer a sense of building height. If you don't have good cloud maps, play around with VrayCompTex:


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The façade needs to be brighter. There needs to be an ambient glow from cars on the street, other buildings, street lights, etc. Check out these pics of exterior night shots to get a better idea. I would start with a wide vray plane light at the base of the building with a warm temperature (4500K) and see if you can get that wall-wash effect.

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The façade needs to be brighter. There needs to be an ambient glow from cars on the street, other buildings, street lights, etc. Check out these pics of exterior night shots to get a better idea. I would start with a wide vray plane light at the base of the building with a warm temperature (4500K) and see if you can get that wall-wash effect.


Thanks Nick one question should I use sunlight with very less intensity like .002 I'm using right now.

Edited by mu_688687
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It's looking better. For the night shot with VraySun, intensity shouldn't matter too much since the height of the sun relative to the ground plane determines the color of the sky.


If you're going after the effect in the pictures I attached, you'll need to add a glow/blur to the lighting pass in post. Those were taken at a long shutter speed, so the lights from the building seem to glow into the sky.


To add more realism, the next step would be to add floor slabs and change the color/turn off the lights in some units. Then you can add window coverings and plants/chairs to the exterior balconies.

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It's looking better. For the night shot with VraySun, intensity shouldn't matter too much since the height of the sun relative to the ground plane determines the color of the sky.


If you're going after the effect in the pictures I attached, you'll need to add a glow/blur to the lighting pass in post. Those were taken at a long shutter speed, so the lights from the building seem to glow into the sky.


To add more realism, the next step would be to add floor slabs and change the color/turn off the lights in some units. Then you can add window coverings and plants/chairs to the exterior balconies.


Hey Nick Thanks for replying I'v also attached one more view kindly pls have a look on that aswell coz I need the view looks dramatic. Thanks I'll do the changes which you have pointed out.

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