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Matte pass - jagged edges problem


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Hi Guys,


Here's the situation. My scene is following: the row of vertical four sided bars that rotate. Each side of a bar has its own Object ID and in Render Elements I render each side as separate matte (to use in After Effects for image reveal - each side will reveal new image). When I try to render out those Matte passes I get very unwanted jagged edges on come of the sides (please see attache imaged). I tried to play with sampling settings, but can not find the right settings so to have no jagged edges when bars start to rotate (very thin matte) and when they finish rotation (thick matte), and at the same time have normal render times (like 1-2 minutes per frame, and not 6-8 minutes). I have filtering turned on in Render Elements settings. On the settings that are on the attached picture I have passable result, but when mattes of sides are real thin at the beginning of the rotation, some of them do not show up.


Guys do you have any idea on which are good settings for sampling and rendering such passes?


Or any other idea how I can render such passes with lower render times, but high quality passes?


Thank you in advance.


Cheers, David

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