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[ATTACH=CONFIG]44690[/ATTACH]this is really annoying ive tried changing every setting but nothing had any affect.. for some reason its blurred sand showing some weird light samples.. (the larger i go, the more blurry it is). ive attached my vray settings too..


the living room has 7 ies lights and 3 vraylightmtrl for the chandelier. please heellpp :( i want proper renders :S damn iray was so easy :D[ATTACH=CONFIG]44691[/ATTACH]

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That's what I'm understanding...


Try using DMC and change your AA Filter off of the default Area Filter. That would start to sharpen up details and textures, but also try adjusting your GI settings. Namely, try lowering your Interpolation on your IMap, and upping your Hemispherical Subdivisions to around 40-45. From my experience details get blurred with higher Interp. settings and not enough Hemi. Subdivisions to go around.


Also, lower your Light Cache Sample Size to something below default :^) . Start with .01 and work down until you find a happy medium with image quality and render time. You have 3000 subdivisions, so you might have more than plenty to try a lower sample size.


Interesting image, keep up the tweaking.

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im already using area 1.5 value.. ive changed the adaptive subdivs to min0 max4, irmap settings to min-2 max+2, lowered the lc sample size to 0.01, dropped hsdivs to 30 and int to 20.. the image clarity is fine now but im still getting those white artifacts on the sofa, bump edges of the marble floor and the right wall and ceiling.. i guess its got to do with LC but i cant get it fixed

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AM I EVIL? YES I AM! lol ok that thing kept on for the wall and the leather material so i went back to the file i created those lights in, made max to represent a room and covered it with my floor material.. placed a sofa size box with leather material.. a green glowing box and a big glass ball for testing purposes.. here is what i found out.. that thing is cause by the direct illumination subdivs of the vraylightmtl.. u have to really increase it.. like 500 :) so what i did is creat 5 vray lights and aligned them to the faces of a pentagon.. deleted the object and grouped the lights.. then covered the whole frourescent shapes with instances of that :D total 200 vray lights :D and it didnt slow down the render at all...

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