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My lighting is black?


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Not sure what's going on. I started a brand new scene created a box made a hole threw on a mr sunlight source and every thing worked great. Even the portal worked wonderfully. My scene I am creating however is a different story. It's completely black in the view port. With out the portal I get a bit of light but no light hitting the floor like youd expect. And when I render with a portal to bring that light into the room more it blocks the light completely! Never had this problem before. I Put a base AandD material on every thing as a basic grey color. So there is no Vray no anything in the scene. What is causing these problems cause I'm at a total loss!


Any ideas? I have images of what I mean attached.



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OK not sure what the issue was but I figured it out afte a day and a half of messing with it. I save selected all the models and re-imported one at a time after I got a decent lighting solution with just my room. I must of had maybe a light source some where that Max didn't delete? I don't know. That is kind of the feeling I'm getting. It didn't show it any where though so maybe there is a bug I didn't know of? Other wise every thing works perfectly now. Very strange.....



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