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World's tallest building (FREEDOM TOWER) design in Revit

Richard McCarthy

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Well, I think that's a good thing to know of having the newest worlds

tallest building. However, recently I also heard a news of another claim

of having the world's tallest building which is still on the Drawing board

as well. It will be constructed here in Dubai which will be 100 meters more

taller than Petronas Tower in Malaysia. So sounds like confusing to me,

who's claim is fiction and who's real?


Well, I think I'd better wait for further update on who'll be claiming the





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I'd guess that it's based on the estimated completion date. But I agree, there is a big difference between saying 'this will be the world's tallest' and 'this IS the world's tallest'.


From the articles I've read about it, they say it WILL be the world's tallest, not that it is. It's a race, and it's been done before.


It seems a little trivial, imo, compared to the overall project (although Silverstein and the LMDC have made an atrocity of it.)

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World's tallest building (FREEDOM TOWER) design in Revit


Not to nitpick nor make too fine a point of it, but I've always found it rather misleading as well grossly semantically inaccurate to state that a particular building or project has been designed IN or BY a particular CAD/BIM/Design software. Anyone who has worked on a CAD or even BIM facilitated project knows quite well that the computers only come into play well after the underlying concepts and basic 'design' of the building has been hashed out on paper (typically copious wads of tracing paper- yellow in our case) and pen. We all know that in as much as AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Microstation, Vectorworks, Revit or ADT are considerably useful tools in design, they are just that - tools!


Case in point is Gehry, with his well documented aversion or rather unfamiliarity with computers, despite the fact that the most impressive and increasingly extensive body of his work has now come to be defined as much by his firm's revolutionary use and intergration of computer design software BIM (CATIA) into not just his design process but throughout the project management and construction process (more so in ways that other firms are barely beginning to harness) as much as the wavy, curvilinear, sculptural forms that are his signature. Despite the heavy use of computer design software (ranging from Rhino to Catia to AutoCAD) Gehry himself would be the last person to tell you that Guggenheim Bilbao or Walt Disney theatre in LA were design in, by or through CATIA and the like. Anything could be further from the truth particularly if one is farmiliar with his design process ( starting in the wood-metal workshops, back and forth btn tracing paper and physical models before digitizing the models to introduce the design into the digital world for documentation and analysis.)


In any case, what I am saying, in my rather long winded way, is that it would be more semantically correct to say ( particularly for the benefit of those not familiar with our field nor the desing process) the world's tallest building design will be facilitated by or executed through Revit as opposed to designed in Revit which has an entirely different implication such as to suggest that the entire process from initial concept sketch to final shop and tender drawings, was accomplished from within the confines of the Revit environment. I highly doubt this would ever be the case in this nor any other building.


just a pedantic old fool's 2 cents... :)

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