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Render Farm Preferences


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I've been looking into incorporating a render farm service into my workflow, and wanted to get your opinions on what render services you prefer and why.


The two render farms I've been checking out are http://www.renderrocket.com and http://www.rebusfarm.net. They both look like excellent services, although I'm leaning more toward rebusfarm based on being able to integrate the 'REBUS Farminizer Software' directly into Cinema 4D for easy upload/download of project files. Has anyone used these services, what are your thoughts? Can you recommend any other render farms?

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Hello Pete I find myself in a similar situation but instead I'm a 3ds user. Recently two friends of mine used one of those two services you have mentioned-I'm not going to say a name as I don't know if it is appropriate- and they were very disappointed. A large number of frames came back blacked out and there was no support, to guide them through in order to solve this issue. Anyway I believe that there are many, smaller size, render farms out there with lots of experience and more friendly customer approach. I'm still looking for one though! Will let you know if I find anything

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That's a bummer to hear that your friends were disappointed with one of the two services I mentioned. I have not used either service yet, maybe it's a good idea to keep looking around before deciding. Thanks for the feedback!

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Well,as I know that rebus farm has the longest history in rendering service.It is really a pity to hear the disappointed evaluation about it.

But I still think renderrocket is OK.And there is a new online rendering service,For Render Farm,www.foxrenderfarm.com,seems also good.They offer excellent online service and flexible price.I think you can't miss it.

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Rebus farm has the longest history in rendering service,maybe it is just not suitable for some projects.

And there is a new online render farm,it worked pretty well as a clustering platform for rendering. They offer excellent online service and flexible price,maybe you can have a try.

Look at their website:http://www.foxrenderfarm.com

Edited by angiliaduan1
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Hi, What render farms will support iRay?
Hi Andrew. We are the renderfarm RenderFlow http://www.renderflow.com - We have good news for you: a) we offer service for iRay - b) we offer service for iRay + GPU (recently launched - check Twitter and Facebook) - c) the service is still FREE PUBLIC BETA. Feedback much appreciated. To test our service we offer a Demo account where you can test our automatisms anonimously. For confidential render jobs you can register and will receive a welcome bonus.
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