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Gallery upload

Wojciech Klepacki

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Hi Jeff,

I have one general problem with gallery. When I try to upload image, I'm not able to complete the task 'couse the form won't skip to the second step. It permanently loops to the first step over and over again. I use FireFox 0.9.3. The problem doesn't occure under IE. What shell I do? Please don't tell me to use IE instead FF ;)

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Quirks? Oh, no I suppose. The gallery page is not valid with W3C standard. Mozilla like browsers (I should write Gecko like) won't accept invalid W3C code opposite to IE. Same problem was once with forum but Jeff fixed it. Should we report it to Jeff? I'll try to check the gallery page through W3C validator http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ and ask the question at Mozilla forum.

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I'm working on CGA2 as often as I can so I'll make sure it works with IE 6, NS7, and Gecko based browsers like Firefox. I'm recoding every page for the entire site and doing a massive reorganization, so it will hopefully be better in many respects. Yes I know I've been talking about CGA2 for a long time, far too long IMHO, but it will happen when it happens. I'd make a promise on the deadline, but something always comes up that takes my attention away from it.

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