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Cloud-Based Render Farms


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Hey All,


I'm trying to get a list of cloud-based rendering farms. I have used a couple, Rebusfarm and RenderNation... but I was looking for something in the United States. The additional VAT and extra credit card charges are killing my budgets for personal projects (...on client projects, they pick up that bill). I just ran across RenderCore... but are there anyone else with 3DS Max and Vray?


Thanks ahead,


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I'm not sure I would classify any of these services as "cloud-based". They are render farms. Cloud based implies cloud configured servers, whereas render farms are just individual machines all networked for remote rendering. Similar, but not the same. You could try to set up your own cloud using Amazon EC2 servers, but I would contact Ry over at RevUpRender. http://www.revuprender.com/ He's got a new startup that has true cloud based rendering and remote cloud based workstations using thin clients. Tell him I sent you his way if you end up contacting him. I've sent a few people his way who were using render farm services and wanted a cheaper alternative.

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