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Refelction on floor

Chris Linek

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A simple question, or at least the awnser will be I guess. How are the reflections created in the circles? I can't seem to get it right. When I place a light to shine trough my windows I only see the light spots on the floor or the walls from the lightbeam. But I can´t get the reflections of the 'environment light' on the floor. I've played around with reflections and attenuation in my floor material but somewhere I'm doing something wrong.


Some guidance in the right direction(s) would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



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IC, good catch, I noticed the MD8 signature, but the name in the lower right hand side, appears to be something other than his. But it does have sample as a watermark, maybe this is what he is trying to acheive, not what he has already produced. Just trying to be optimistic.

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