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Hotel Renovation


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Hello all,


Have not been working on much lately, but this one is in the works. Ugly building, trying to make it less ugly. The multi-colored brick is there, and not leaving. I am happy with most of it, I don't like the glass, but the client loves it.


Modelled in AutoCAD, rendered in VIZ 3i, with a light dome. Any comments...?

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I like it. It is very tough making an ugly building look better that it really is. You did a great job. Just a few things though. The pavement is too clean. Maybe some dirt needs to be added (oil stains, etc.) Second is the pinkish paint. It seems to overexposed. I would change the output of the diffuse map to a little lower than what you have it set on now. Last little thing, are there more trees around the pool? Ask your client about adding some more. The rest is great, I think.



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Saturn, thank you for your crits. It is appreciated.


-I agree about the parking lot in most cases, but it will be refinished with new asphalt as part of the project. I was afraid showing wear and tear might upset a touchy owner. For other projects maybe I will try and work on that.

-The pink is right. I hate it, but I have to live with it. that is what I was told to use. Oh the life we live.

-I also wanted to add more trees, but was told not to, they hide too much of the building, and it takes time, time we were not allowed to spend. This was all done in two days, when the client wants it done in two hours.


Again, thanks for your advice.

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