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Tips & freebies page


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I've started building a tips & freebies page on my website. There's not much to it right now. Just some free hi-res textures that I've taken with my digital camera and one tip about lighting/shadows.


Here's the direct link:



I'll be adding more in the near future, as well as making my site more appealing (I know the layout & colors are bad)..but hey...the content is what matters most anyway...right?


I posted this in the general section insted of 3dsmax section since the textures can obviously be used on many different platforms.



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Very Cool Jeff,


Have you tried using one of those reflective yard ornaments yet? hehehehe As I don't have one laying around and my grandparents are no longer home owners. LOL


It would be interesting though, to compare the colors from white to a true reflective surface and see how it effects a scenes color temperature.


Add the link to my Favorites right know.



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Thanks guys.


WDA - Yeah, I have one of those garden spheres, but it's a real crappy one. It has a bunch of fine scratches in it that make everything hazy looking...(my only internet purchase that I'm not happy with).


I may drag it out in the yard and shoot some hazy pics with it, just to get the light colors I suppose.



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