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What Monitor Are You Using.....?

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We have a couple of good dealers in town. However, although I feel guilty about returning the monitors, I am determined to get what I want.


I can not find a good LCD monitor. Now I am testing a Sharp 19 inches with a response time of 16ms and a contrast of 500. My two inexpensive CRT monitors are better. The CRT's have less brightness but they have better sharpness specially on the letters and lines.





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I have a Sony LCD and a Sony CRT. The LCD is fine, but not great. I do not do any work on it that requires color accuracy. The CRT is what I stare at all day and I am in no rush to replace it. If you want accurate color its critical. I know the Mac people have been told by their deity (Steve Jobs) that LCD is the way, but I am not buying it.



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Thanks, what a real issue. My eyes get fatigue looking at the LCD monitor. The colors and sharpeness are better at the inexpensive monitor. However, my little monitor is too small. If go up to a 20" version of my very good inexpensive Mitsubishi monitor, then I am looking at box that is about 60 to 70 pounds and takes a lot of real estate. Additionally the screen is not as bright as the LCD.


The CRT is definitely better...... !




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ViewSonic G220FB


I love mine. It's got (in my opinion) excelent sharpness and color.


I'm running dual screens with a 19" Dell Trinitron as my second screen.


I do get headaches almost on a daily basis though. My screen size is set to 1600x1200 on each monitor, and each screen is set to a refresh rate of 72 Hertz.

What refresh rate does everyone else keep their monitors at? I've heard that higher rates shorten the life of the monitor more so than a lower rate. Of course, screw the lifespan if it's causing headaches by using too low of a rate!

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This Sharp LL-191A-B @ 19" is the best of the last 4 monitors I have tired. I get a better image out of my $169.00 monitor than the one out of the $699.00 monitor...... Hi Hi Hi Using just the CRT I get 95 mhz refresh, adding the LCD it slows down the videocard to 75 mhz.


I like more the little monitors 17". I have an older Viewsonic. It is 22inches and I never liked that thing. I had to keep moving my head around... It was like working on a drive-in theater.


The LCD gives me a headache... I think it is to bright and too much contrast and the sharpeness of letters and lines is questionable...


I am about to go to the store to change the LCD for two Mitsubishi Superbright 17". The refresh rate on those is like 90mhz. They are heavy .





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I use the Formac Gallery 1740 LCD as my main monitor. I calibrated it using the Colorvision Spyder, and my prints (on an Epson 2200) match the displayed colors very well.


Having used this monitor for 2 years, I much prefer it to the CRT that sits next to it, and plan to add another LCD as soon as I can afford it. It's much easier on my eyes to look at the LCD for hours on end.


And as a bonus, I really like the fact that it uses something like 30% of power that a CRT requires.



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I went once again to the local store. This time I brought back an inexpensive CRT NEC / Mitsubishi 19" Monitor. This one looks very natural, very sharp and it doesn't induce fatigue.


Finally, after trying out 4 LCD and 1 CRT, I think we are going to keep the 19" NEC CRT. To the veteran Dual monitor users? Is it possible that one of the channels in the video card produces a little bit less image quality than the other side. Is it better if both monitors are identical?




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hi There Elliot


i have a LaCie 22" .24 dot pitch

the Colors are simply gorgeous NO Eyeballstrain


4 years and counting 0 problems


highly recommended


it can also run up to 2048x1536 True Color

and TWO computers with its own AB switch


my son uses it for Age of Mythology at 1024x756

i run it nowadays at 1600x1200 True Color always




say i am getting a dual 2.8 ghz at work somtime This next week

They are throwing in 8 gbs of Ram, can a computer use That much memory?









"seeing double, feeling single boy did i get in a lot of Trouble" EmmyLou Harris

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