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EEEP! Advise please


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This is the project:


An old delapidated gas station circa 1945. I have not plans I can take some measurements but I am really crunched for time. All is needed is a complete face lift, no new structures but I do need new pumps and windows - mostly painting and clean up. But some serious clean up. I will post pict when I can.


I am wondering the best technique, Photoshop touchup, modeling, or if I can model accuratly from a camera match (if I know the length of 2 walls can I infer the dimension by camera matching?)


As always thanks -

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You probably don't have enough time, have you looked at Image Modeler by Real Viz? If you have a couple photos you can set up the geometry, camera, and textures for an exportable scale model. There is a free download and trial.


I've been modeling human faces with it :rolleyes: . If you'd like I could give it try, though it depends on the pictures.



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Take a digital picture of the view you want, insert it in 3dsmax as Viewport background image, create the models to fit the view and render it as tiff, open both on Photoshop, one layer as background pic and on top would be the rendering with background remove, final editing and touch up in Photoshop. will just take you a feew hours! and meet the deadline! :)

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Thanks all for the advice. WDA I have looked into Real Viz and I have just thought it to be too steep a price for me seeing as this almost never comes up. However now that it has come up I wish I had it and was really good at it. ;)



Here is the building. Really what I want is to be able to measure a few walls and be able to use that to base the rest of the model off. I have heard the camera match is a bitch to use but I will start with that. If I fail I think I will just guess. I want to be able to do multi views and their is just too much crap to remove in photshop.

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The camera match in max ain't sooo bad. Have had some luck with perspective trace overs and using building corners to set up matching points. But if you can get measurements to pionts like corners, being careful to get a good elevation (Z), referencing from the roof or fascia it should work out well. If you can get points that can define the planes like the tracing attached it works better.


But from a decent perspective overlay knowing a couple dimensions usally give you enough to figure out reasonable model dimensions. Only problem is lens distortion toward the background, there is not much in the important areas of this photo, though.



My approach anyway, hope it can be of some use.




Or are you really trying to have some fun and camera mapping too? :eek:

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WDA - Awsome of you to come through like that. Really I do want the experiance being able to do the camera match which I have not tried so it's good to see it will get me there.

A thought came to mind while penciling that in- When I get a tablet how do I un-train myself to not rotate my pencil while drawing it's like flippin auto pilot stuff? Is it going to be like untangling the phone cord?:mad:


Glad it may help you out a bit.



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