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daylight system, radiosity and interior space


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i am new to the radosity in max6. to do an interior scene, it is quite easy in Lightscape with system defined daylight coming in from an opening/window. but i found it extremely frustrating with max. can some explain a bit the radiosity settings in max when rendering an interior scene? is the daylight system alone enough? (in my test, if i don't use manual setting on the daylight/sunlight, the light is so bright that it washed out all the colors, and yet, it doesn't produce sharp shadows no matter what i try.) or do i still need to put omnis all over even though i am using radiosity? am i missing sth. big here? a simple workflow steps would certainly shed some light.



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first thing is u must model to scaled. u have to play with the material's reflectance value as it would in the real world. otherwise, the material would washed out. usually, i just simply put a sunlight with intensity about 4000-5000.

keep it up :)

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guys, thanks for the reply.


i did model to scale, using "meters". and i used default material without changine any setting. also i tried the automatic exposure control. none of them gives me desired effect like LightScape does. i am not just talking about subtle difference. the max result is horrible. for instance, i have a closed room with a window. there is an overly-bright spot on the floor from the light coming from the window, but the whole room is still fairly dark...


is there a simple tutorial somewhere on using daylight system, radosity on an interior scene?


also, when u render interior scene, do you need to add any lights other than the sunlight/daylight coming from the window?


very frustrated. :confused:

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Try using the logarithmic exposure control. Decrease contrast and play with brightness. The physical scale adjusts all "standard" or non photometric (ies) Light Levels which might help. To what quality has the radiosity solution been processed and what are the meshing sizes all will have some effect also. Could you post a screen shot of your settings and render.





Also p 506 Max6 Tutorials book / tutorial 26 in book and online help tutorial in Max help section.

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i found the major problem is with the logarithmic exposure control. after i setting it, my image looks much better. but still, it is no where near the quality LightScape can produce.


i tried to follow the tutorial on vizdepot. but even with the downloaded max file, my rendered images has huge contrast. it almost is consisted of pure black and pure white. i realized that the tutorial is for Viz, not Max. but aren't viz a subset of max? shouldn't the file be loaded into max with no problem? doujay88, did u use max to study the tutorial?



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  • 2 years later...

I'm new here sorry if this thread is old.


I have the same problem with Max. I have a scene that looks good, it's an interior and when I put a daylight system in and adjust manually it "turns off" all my interior lights and also looks terrible.


What is the secret to using a daylight system to light through a window into a lit interior?

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