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New Nikon D2x


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Nikon came out with a new camera. The bad news is that I just bought a very complete system based on the D70. The good news is that the new camera is addressing the sharpness issues along with the White Balance problems.


There is various sites reporting about the more or less $5,700.00 @ 12 mega pixel camera. Some of the sites are positive some are very negative....


I think Nikon is accepting all the main issues I have been experiencing with the D70. I bought the camera to do all the photo of our new brochure. The small camera is a lot of fun but not professional grade. I have a very old Hasselblad and the D70 can not touch the results of the Hasselblad.


Here are various positive sites on the D2X:










The negatives sites are compiling a long list of issues not solved by the D2X and basically saying the D2X is too expensive for an unfinished project.


Here is a negative site by Ken Rockwell. I respect his commercially un-biased opinions. He has some very good articles about color graduations and temperature.





Have fun


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