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golf club house


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hey guys!


Been workin on this for a couple of days now. Modeling isnt finished, I´m goin to add some bushes, outdoor furniture etc...


The house itself is pretty much finished though, so I thought this would be a good time to get some crits n comments from you....


Im really not happy with how the image looks right now, but I cant put my finger on whats wrong with it... so please help me out.


made with max4 and VrayFree. - the design isnt mine, and cant be changed.

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thanks guys!


digital dabbler - Youre right, there is too much stuff in the pic. Since I though the whole thing looked flat and boring I guess I tried to make it more interesting with the birds and people...

Ill kick some of that stuff out and try to focus more on the building now.


I know it has very little depth, but I honestly dont know what to do about that. The suns position was given to me by the client, but he wont mind if I change it a little bit... maybe thats the key.


Ill rework some of the materials too... including the grass, kent


thanks again. ill post an update as soon as I can!

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Try adding a couple of golf carts in que on the right side. As it stands, I would have thought that this was some sort of meeting hall, not a golf course club house. Give it some context to help define the use.


You say you can't adjust the sun position, but you can adjust the brightness, or is your ambient light to bright. It does need some contrast.


the flag is also too bright. It seems out of place, something is not right with that flag.


Post updates, I am interested in this one, we just finished construction on a golf course club house.

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thanks for the input trhoads!

I am planning to add some golf carts, people dragging around golfbags etc. I just have to find some nice models of this first (or do them myself...)


the flag is too bright, I agree... its also a damn ugly flag, but thats really not my fault =) I´ll work some on its material...


heres an update. Increased the bump on the wall planks, remade the grassmaterial, groundmaterial, and tried to get some more contrast in there... still not happy with it, but I think its moving in the right direction....



what do you think?




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Hey Skogs, this one is much better. I would add some shrubs (lightly) to the foreground and change the driveway material. It is too grainy. You need some specular reflection on the roof, so that we know it is metal. Something doesn't seem quite right with the flag. Maybe add some bump. Other than that, you are well on your way.



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thanks! Ill keep workin on it...


thanks for the link trhoads! Cant spend any money on a model like that, since it´ll probably take a very long time before I find use for it again - if ever. golf course clubhouses isnt anything I usually do....


anyways... If you need more stuff like that for your projects, there are a couple of excellent models of golf carts over at turbosquid. They cost a little more than the one at amazing3d, but take a look anyways....


heres one of them:



Saturn - Ill take a look at the roofmaterial, thanks for the tip - it does look a bit dull now...

Not sure about the "driveway" material. its supposed to be gravel, not asphalt or concrete or anything...

i know about the flag... Ill fix it

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Dont know what your budget for golf paraphernalia is, but at http://www.abscissa.net, he has entire golf collection, including bags, peeps, and carts for US$125.00. Well worth the money.


As far as the image goes, it is coming along great! The last revision is definitely getting there. I think two things that bother me are the size of the columns on the porch: They look quite small and they need to have some detail added, like a capital and a base. (this might not be possible because of the architect). Second is adding some trim on the roof--just a simple cap and maybe a break in the standing seam at the valley.

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new update - this one is probably final, if the client is happy, that is....


Can't thank you guys enough for the help... the image is SO much better now compared to the first one I posted... thanks!


Dabbler - the club is called "Viksberg golf klubb" , not vikings =) anyways, I would happily replace the flag with any other flag, cause it looks like sh*t imho.... but thats ofcourse not my desicion...


Chad - nice link. My budget was close to 0 $.... so I decided to model the stuff myself. only did one golfbag and then made a few versions in different colors... They are almost too small to see on this rendering, so I added a little closeup.

Ive spent waay too much time on this one already, so I dont know if I´ll work some more on the roof or if I´ll leave it like it is....


thanks again!

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the grass is a combination of modeling and maps... the main surface is mapped with a mix of grass-photos I found on the web. It also has a very crisp and strong bumpmap (noise.jpg from "Mayang´s free textures") with low blur-settings.

the edge of the grass is modeled with a grass generator script, (which makes individual strands) and has the same material as above.


I ordered Vray advanced today, (weeehoo!) so Ill probably switch to vray displacement for my grass soon, but this technique also works... And it renders faster than displacement...




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Hey! Great image! And the progress that can be seen in the different version is cool to see. I have one question about your grass, cause i think you've found some good way to achieve some kind of realistic lookin grass. What grass generator thingee are you using?

I tried the displacement-grass trick with MR in max6, and it looks quite ok, but, it takes a hell of a time to render, and it crashes often during rendering due to memory problems. So i don't think its the best solution for large areas of grass!!!

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I recognize those RPC people. I tired to use them two years ago when I did a clubhouse. They never looked right. I gave up on them, and just bought a good golf cart model. Here is the one I did. It needed some work, but there was not time. Done 2 years ago. I have learned a lot about lighting and environment since then, mostly due to the good people here. Maybe one day I will revisit this one. I also threw in the finished building. I wish i had a better picture, but oh well.

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bio2000 : the script is called "make grass" and can be found here :




Im afraid my grass didnt look quite as good on the bigger renders.... so if you have the time, stay with displacement!




STRAT: nice pics! After looking at yours, I feel mine still has way too little contrast....

The rpc´s look ok, but I dont like the way you placed them! everyone up on the balcony is standing alone, and they look too evenly placed....

I like the glass... and the design of the house is also cool!

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