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Psd Manager Troubles


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I purchased PSD manager less than a year ago. Since then I have rebuilt the computer three times. This requires new authorization codes from CEBAS. Getting these codes is like pulling teeth.


With the new computer, I need once againg the dreaded new code..... I sent several E Mails to CEBAS and get no response. Three days ago I called Germany and the person that anwsered the call said "It is our policy not to verbally respond these kind of requests, we require you send an E Mail."


WELL HERE WE GO AGAIN, I sent the darn E Mail with the authorization code request. The E Mail was sent to Edwin Braun and Achim Smailus. Three day later no response. Now 12 days have gone through since I have been trying to re-install the PSD MANAGER by CEBAS.


This authorization model is being adopted by many software companies in our industry. I think this is a lot of non-sense. I pay for the software, I receive the CD but then I can only use if they allow me to use it..... Should we boycot these kind of companies like CEBAS, maybe they will get the message. "WE CONTROL THE MONEY" they may control the technology, but without us they have no money for development.


Maybe we should identify who are these companies unfriendly towards the users and sponsored only the good guys. I have had it with CEBAS. I don't care if they have a good software, if I can't use it, it is a "GOOD for NOTHING SOFTWARE"



Stop and think, they add a minor improvement, make a new release, make thousand of inexpensive CD copies, force people to pay an arm and leg for up-grades, don't support it..... MAKE A LOT OF MONEY.


These software makers get people like in this forum to put a buddy web product support system that compensate the manufacturer lack of tech support. Have our guys pull their hair while trying to make the clumsy programs to work as advertised without having to spend a fortune on powerfull computer. Well, while we are doing all these things, they are using our money to develop program allowing anybody off the street to make these images and then compete with us.


They have a WONDERFUL BUSINESS MODEL. Like CEBAS they claim being in the vizualization industry 15 years..... We have supported them that long....!


I am mad..... With all the reasons in this world to justify it.......


If anybody knows of another program similar to PSD Manager that works.... let me know about it.... If there is no other program.... it is not too much of a problem. At any rate since I purchased the PSD MANAGER by CEBAS, I have not had the opportunity of using it that much. I wonder if all their other software goes throught the same business ethics code.




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I understand how frustrating it can be waiting on authorization for a product that you "own". I have Final Render and after 2 or 3 installs you have to contact Cebas to get further authorization and they make you feel like you are doing something wrong. I think Cebas has several problems that they are going to need to fix in order to compete with other software companies. There technical support is severely lacking, and for new people trying to learn and use their products it is very difficult due to lack of support. Unfortunately I don't think a boycott is the answer for most of the people using their software on a daily basis. I've invested serious time and money into learning and use their stuff, and I don't want to have to learn another program that may not even be as good as what I'm currently using. I agree that they need to take a more customer friendly approach to their way of doing business, but I'm not sure how to get them to do that. I wish I could help

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Thanks.... I understand the word "Boycot" is very strong. But I also feel every time I talk with them that they make me feel I am doing something horrible..... Just because I have to re-load.


We are a small manufacturer..... we have to do drawings in oder to explain people how our system will interface with their new construction. I recently got a nice contract cancelled because I couldn't deliver my drawings on time. The general contractor of these government owned project gave me 3 weeks for the drawings. Perhaps it was on the short side of it..... I worked the project with the end user for 5 years. The work of 5 years down the drain.


The worst part, I feel the contractor was almost right. Although I am sad, I have to figure a way to speed up my drawings. If I am going to loose another over 1 million dollar contract because my drawing delivery capability.... shame on me. The delays were caused by poor computers, anticuated software, lack of human resources.... in general lack of focus on the real issues of competition.


I am not mad at anybody except at myself. In the last 6 weeks I have made some significant investment on our small group in oder to upgrade everything on this end...... I think it is a business problem and it can be corrected.


If CEBAS wants to remain in business they better figure out that most of the people here, do this for a living. Maybee the kids using 3D Max to draw up cartoon characters and star war drawings don't care about their lack of support. These people are clanish and they can figure it out among themselve. We are too busy to put with their lack of customer support.


Reading on other web sites I have found that they are notorious for this kind of behaviour.... I just hink it is nice to exchange notes about our suppliers..... that way we protect ourselves. Three years ago I spent $1,200.00 on a program from a company that sells plugins for Viz. This program was called Nemo. The darn thing didn't work at all. It was clumsy.... the worst part is that I couldn't get the French software maker to even respond. The dealer in the US claim it was not his problem. However, he continued selling the package.... Very nice..... Eventually I contact an idependent tech support group in California that charged me $150.00 an hour to teach me over the phone how to use it. I still have the software as a reminder of the kind of software manufacturers to avoid.


Maybe, I will have to place PSD MANAGER and CEBAS on the same shelve.....



As I writing this I am laughing at myself.... I just have spent too much time on CEBAS..... The world will catch up with them..... it is a principle of physics...


He he he..... I will continue without them....... He he he




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Edwin from Cebas is also reading CG Architect. He sent an E Mail explaining that he hasn't seen my E Mail. He also asked what could he do to help me....!


I am impressed.....!


His theory is that probably it could be about spam filters not allowing my E Mails to come through. I know from our experience with our business, that we had to put in place a super aggressive spam filter because we were getting way too many problems. I also know that our IT guy has a spam filter setting that will prevent anybody having a complex E Mail address to come through. If the E Mail after the @ symbol has more than one dot, our machine will not let it go through. My E Mail has two dots. When I send E Mails to our manufacturing office my E Mails do not go through. For this reason I have another E Mail just address just to talk with our manufacturing group


I refused to change the old E Mail address that I have used for nearly 10 years.


The bottom line.... we as a group will be heard.... Just like Edwin read my posting, other industry officer are reading too..... I think we have to let them know what we need....


Feeling a little bit better


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Yea I really like PSD manager a lot, but the custumer services is definitely lacking over there. When I was considering purchasing the plug-in, I emailed a quick question to them. At the time they didn't have a demo version for Max 6 or Viz5. I asked him (Edwin) if there was something he could do to help me, or if he could verify whether or not it worked with Vray. The only response I got back from him was "Right now we do not have a demo version for 3ds max6/Viz2005". Thats it, that was all I got - not even a thank you or a we will have a working version soon.


They must not want to sell their product that badly with 'friendly' service like that.

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Hi Elliot. You get free support on the Cebas forums from the developers and other users. So, why haven't I seen you on the psd-manger support forums ? Come over there Elliot and let me help you get up to speed with your psd-manager.


You can register for the public cebas forums here (use your full name as user name):



The authorization system Cebas uses now allows you to modify your system except the network card as often as you want without requiring a new license each time. You seem to change your system fairly often so it might be a good idea to use a specific machine that changes less frequently as a license server.


Your psd-manager developer,


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I have my own feelings about Cebas, but Daniel is right about the support forum that is the one best resource you have as a Cebas customer. I have learned a tremendous amount just from reading all of the different posts that are on their site. If you haven't registered as a member I would highly recommend doing so, you will get much more feedback on your questions.

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"Right now we do not have a demo version for 3ds max6/Viz2005". Thats it, that was all I got - not even a thank you or a we will have a working version soon.


About 2 or 3 weeks ago and there was no demo version planned, but because of the many requests like yours and the fact that the same demo will also work with 3ds max 7 we decided to put a new demo together last week. Of course there should always be enough time for a thank you, even if customer support is bussy answering emails from all around the world - so take it from me, Thank you Tim.


Please come over to the cebas forums and let's share some techniques and ideas for the next version, or tell me about a bug if you find one.


Thanks again Tim and see you there,


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Hello Tim, Devin and Daniel,


Well what can I say...... I have received three E Mails from Cebas asking what can they do to make me move along with my request. I checked once again on the site. I will send Daniel by E Mail what I am looking for....


I will keep quiet and get this thing working ASAP.......


I appreciate everybody's quick response and positive answers......




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Of course there should always be enough time for a thank you, even if customer support is bussy answering emails from all around the world - so take it from me, Thank you Tim.


Thanks Daniel - I appreciate that.


When people buy software from around the world, I think its important to know that, as a paying custumer, you will be taken care of. So thanks for taking to time to show interest.

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Yes Daniel thanks for the quick response, I hope that people from Cebas who make decisions are really listening to the comments that have been voiced here. I think Timmatron has a good point, when I buy software regardless of which country it is coming from I want to feel that the company has the commitment to support their software. I'm glad to see Cebas is monitoring other sites besides theirs and are willing to act so quickly to resolve problems.

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I am glad to report that my PSD Manager is working fine. After my initial posting on the CG Architect, I received several E Mails from CEBAS. The E Mails were very friendly and really trying to understand why this 54 year old guy (Me) couldn't make PSD work.


Over the next 14 hours we exchanged several E Mails and they identified the problem. It was simple..... I was using an old version not compatible with Viz 2005. Once they set me up with the right version, everything worked just as published on their manual.


I just called Edwin Braun a while ago. I really enjoyed talking with this very friendly gentleman. My assesment of the issues is simple. There is a time difference and various levels of technical competence among his users. How can he design a manual that pleases everybody.....? It is an overwhelming issue..... He has done an excellent job in keeping it simple, just follow his instructions.


On the time difference issues, from my personal experience on our small factory, we have the same problem. The west coast people want us to be open during their working hours and so as the east coast people. Then there is so many issues everybody want us to address. We want to assist everybody, but at the end we also have to be profitable....!


Some simple conclusions.....:


1. I am very pleased that a specialized developer on our field like CEBAS is reading our forum in order to keep their company up with our requests.... "At all levels of their management they are listening" I was impressed....


2. On this global market we have to understand that they may not be working at the same times we have our shops open.... Patience from our side is required.


3. Sometimes it easier to communicate with our "Friends - Developers" in a format that will make it easier for them to understand us.


This industry is constantly changing and requiring from us more attentive and assertive listening skills to understand what they are trying to say. From my conversation with them, I realized that they have really tested their products and they know the entire capabilities their offering, including the possible technical issues with installation. Everybody has a different computer configuration with different unique requirements


I am impressed with their desire to understand my issues in order to come up with an anwser. This is the first time I have worked with a software developer that got interested in helping......!



After clarifying the initial issues, I was impressed with their reponse and attitude. Thanks to Daniel and Edwin.


Thanks to CEBA


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