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Great Design Tool


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I am absolutely amazed at Sketchup's ability to allow freedom and flexibility during the design process. This small project was modeled, designed and presented on the fly in only 10-12 hours! I can't wait to do the next one.


What are some other first-timer experiences?

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Welcome to the wonderful world of SketchUp!!

I was into my fourth hour of the demo and had learnt the package, built a distribution centre, rendered it, created a fly around and taken it into PhotoShop for final presentation touches!! Not because of my amazing skills, rather the ease and simplicity of it.

Pushpullbar is great, check out the downloads section for ideas and helpful items, am still waiting for an Enzo though!!

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Absolutely - The power and beauty of Sketchup is in it's simplicity. It is a design tool, not a presentation tool (although the basic output options are 'simply' amazing!).


Its great for the program to have the export function if one needs to take the rendering to the next level.


Good stuff

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Brownie, I couldn't disagree more about SketchUp's place as a presentation tool. True, it doesn't do photorealistic rendering, but that's hardly the extent of presentation graphics. It's also the case that, especially early in a project, a less photorealistic or nonphotorealistic presentation often works better. I've seen some fantastic presentations done entirely in SketchUp.



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Hi Gary,


There really shouldn't be any disagreement here. I just noted in response to a previous post that Sketchup should indeed remain as the "nuts and bolts" program it currently is. Perhaps I wasn't clear about my praise for the added bonus of the beautiful renderings the program can produce.


We all agree here Gary, Sketchup is Amazing!!!

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