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Targa Image Sequence Problem

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I have 2600 frames rendered out as Targas and am trying to import them as a sequence. I do not have the full version of Adobe Premiere but am just running a trial at the moment. When I import the sequence (File-Import-Choose the first image and check on the import sequence icon), it only import about a hundred or so files. When I had tried this previously in After Effects, I didn't have that problem. My trial period of After Effects is over which is why I'm in Premiere now. I also tried using Adobe Media Encoder which worked fine except it didn't save the Alpha Channel separately and I need to be able to remove that at least.


I was thinking the problem was my scratch disk didn't have enough space on it to compile the sequence but I am using an SSD with 300GB free in it.


Any ideas?

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Well I am not sure, but the trial may have some limitations, usually it does not but it may.

If you are rendering out of Max, you should have access to Autodesk Composite there you can mix and match and do what every you need.

Now as a freelance I would recommend to look in to the "Software Lease" that Adobe is offering now, you can lease Premiere for a month for a very low price, or lease the whole Adobe suite for a small monthly payment, that's what I am using now and I thin it is great for people like me that does not have big box to spend at once in every software that I need.

People in other part of this crazy planet will just download a WAREZ version of it, but lets try to respect our hard workers programmers and developers, plus it help you to avoid viruses :p

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Check if you have any drop frames in your sequence.

The easiest way to check that is to see the number of files in the folder and +1 (because the renders starts from frame 0)


Example, if its a 100 frame render, there should be 101 files in the folder..

Plus arrange it by size. Check if there is a dodgy frame , a frame with 0kb. That stuffs up an import too.


Also have a check in premiere on what frame it is stopping on. (crtl click the time to get it to frames) see the last frame.

That way you can investigate what frame it is stopping at.

I presume there is an issue with that frame and normally what i do to test it is to move that frame away to another folder, duplicate the previous frame and rename it and re-import the sequence

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