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Linked Cad File Disappearing


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So I've run into this weird glitch/problem, and searching hasn't been able to help me out, so I thought I'd see if anyone here had any ideas. I'm running 3ds max 2011 and autocad 2013 (downsaving to 2010). I've been linking my .dwg files into my max files using the file link manager. This problem has cropped up twice and I'm not sure what's up. I link the file, no problem, it imports, I do my mapping and everything is going swimmingly. When I come back to the drawing another time, the file acts like it is still linked, but in the file link manager dialog box there is nothing there. Nothing to select so that I can reload my updated .dwg files. Selecting geometry in 3ds max still identifies it as linked geometry, but there is just nothing in the file link manager dialog box. I can't bind, detach, reload, nothing. Since it's still acting linked I can't delete anything, and I also can't reload. So I basically end up having to put it all on a layer, hide it, and then re-import the .dwg file and start fresh. Anyone run into this before?

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