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Using Object Volume in Tables


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Hi All,


I am trying to create a table in AutoCAD that has the volume of each one of my 3D solids in my drawing as well as their materials. Getting all of the objects in the table and their materials was easy. Getting the volume in the is proving to be a real PITA. Does anyone have any idea how this can be accomplished?


Thanks in advance for any help!


As a side note: It is extremely frustrating to me that AutoCAD can do area of polylines and regions all day long but as soon as you extrude them it looses all of that data. I am aware of the MASSPROP command but I can't get any of that data in my table. It is also extremely frustrating that AutoCAD can display the volume of a "mass element" but there is basically no way to edit that object once it has been converted into said mass element. WTF Autodesk?



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