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Who has experience with Revizto? As my office is 100% Revit, and I'm the VIZ guy I am looking to impliment something that will allow a more interactive experience for our clients. I purchased Revizto since it's cheap and works directly with Revit. I'm finding it to be a bit clunky and unreliable. I know, I'm getting what I paid for. Is anyone else having a good experience with Revizto, specifically on large buildings/models with a lot of detail? Not little Sketchup models. I can see it being perfect for that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Travis,

I would help you to work with Revizto if you'll send me your sample of large model. I would like to see where you have some troubles and probably to help you in optimization (using group of objects and simplifcation in polygon count functions of Revizto)

Simply write me using common address of Revito support service@revizto.com with the sample of model.


PS. Some projects made in SketchUp are so large that we never saw from Revit yet. It is because there are almost no limits in textures size as well as unexperienced in complex modeling users don't make any optimizations of their models... Revit is way more advanced tool for professional purpose.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi Travis, I am extremely frustrated with using Revizto as well. I loaded in my large Revit file, it cannot operate at all and the framerate is low. Well, they advertise that they can load faster, but their render is not faster, it means nothing to me if the model cannot be moved and operated. I am upset :(


Did you go to Autodesk University this year? I went there and found a much better software called Fuzor. I bring my Revit file to test it out. I am impressed with how smooth they are running my 7 million polygon file. They work very well for large Revit files. I especially like their human walkthrough. They have an avatar to walkthrough the building, i can imagine myself walking inside my building. Their real-time lighting and shadow studies are awesome. You can check out their Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BIMExtender and website http://www.kalloctech.com. I have left my contact for them to send me a testing key. I can share more with you later.

Edited by gracemorgan
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Hi Travis, I am extremely frustrated with using Revizto as well. I loaded in my large Revit file, it cannot operate at all and the framerate is low. Well, they advertise that they can load faster, but their render is not faster, it means nothing to me if the model cannot be moved and operated. I am upset :(


Did you go to Autodesk University this year? I went there and found a much better software called Fuzor. I bring my Revit file to test it out. I am impressed with how smooth they are running my 7 million polygon file. I especially like their human walkthrough. They have an avatar to walkthrough the building, i can imagine myself walking inside my building. Their real-time lighting and shadow studies are awesome. You can check out their Facebook and website. I have left my contact for them to send me a testing key. I can share more with you later.

Edited by gracemorgan
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