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Renders for a wine museum and hotel.

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Studio/Institution: Aarkitectura
Client: NFO
Genre: Commercial Exterior
Software: 3ds Max + Vray + Photoshop
Website: http://aarkitectura.blogspot.com.es/

Hello everyone!

Here my last work. It´s a hotel + wine museum in Croatia. The project was made for the office NFO (Zagreb) in 2010.

I have done two view. I like the first one more, with which I think I have improved my skills a bit. The second is ok, but I think there is a bit mistakes that I don´t know how to get it better (maybe the imagens that I have used to create the enviroment). I will continue practicing ...

Render 02.jpg


Render 01.jpg

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I don't understand the decision to make the first image so dreary. Was it requested by the client? It just seems to me that if you want to render a place that people are going to want to go to, it should be bright and folks should look like they are having fun not freezing cold.


The second image looks a little brighter but is there person without a shirt on in the image? That's pretty distracting.

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There are very specific things going on that make it dreary.


1. figures are isolated and grey - the largest one is looking down and looks depressed

2. you have these greyish - brownish plain buildings that are all the same and give a general impression

of having no windows. That creates a feeling of dreariness.

3. most vegetation is the same kind and desaturated color and trimmed to exactly 24". I think all this lack of variety

is creating a depressing ambiance. (like even the roofs are the same material as the walls (visually)

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Ok about it is details. I am amateur and I have to improve more and more, I am in this world less than one year. But I think is not so much dreary. Maybe I need to habituate my eyes to see this mistake.

The next time I will try to think in all this thing and to do the imagen more attractive.

About the project, this was for a competition in 2010 and I took it to practice my skills. And of course, I could have been better about roofs, woods, windows, form, etc.

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