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CORONA render?

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I was talking about inner/outer company compatibility. - being able to work with existing files (which may run into 100's or 1000's) and sharing work with other studios. Having to change materials and assets and plug-ins on that large scale will be daunting if not near impossible.


If Vray is working well enough and becoming simpler to use and they take Corona's cue and become even simpler and more improved - even with a superior, lower priced alternative product available, a change-over on a large scale is not going to happen, I think.


Here is some really good info about it:



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  Maxer said:
Can Corona do animations?


In full path-trace mode, any. In default biased (Path tracing + HDCache) right now only flythrough (static geometry).

In 2+ weeks there will be new algorithm finished (improved HDCache) specially to target flickering with cached algorithm.


  heni30 said:


I understand this point, which is why I avoided Corona for one year before I tried it :- ) I thought it would end up being effectively abandonware as few small renderers currently on market (I won't name them, they are great renderers too, just with minor user base).

But Corona already reached critical mass of users which is far bigger than any other minor renderers combined together so, I would have no worries in this regard.

Edited by RyderSK
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  Maxer said:
You also said that you tried it because you weren't getting the look or quality you needed from these other engines, what did you mean by that? Also how much easier is it to setup than Vray?


I said for the "effort". I can get the quality from Vray as well, I have lots of project in Vray and even animation on my Behance portfolio, and I don;t think most people can tell which is Vray and which Corona, if they didn't have the clue of time where did the switch :- ).


But it takes effort I find not worth it. Either you go full Universal, which is what I do these days outside of animation, and then you can get pretty high times in complicated scenes and you still find few issues that requires you to do some choices where you sacrifice something or you take IR path which is extremely flawed algorithm that needs to be set-up for every situation differently to obtain absolute quality and requires way too much attention.


But Vray3 is excellent renderer, don't take me wrong, I did the switch to Corona when I was at 2.4, which looking back, is miserable in every way compared to 3. Vray 3, which I tried extremely late ,suprised me with its improvements (particulary Min. Shading Rate which for me, is life-saver, but also progressive, as I don;'t need to decide quality (through CLR threshold) in advance).


But in the end, I just don't want almost any choice or tinkering at all. With that in mind, Corona is way faster than brute force, but of course, you can't (in current version) optimalize it to point of IR for example, so it will never be that fast. That's also some people consider Corona to be fast, and some slow.

To me, that's almost irrelevant for my work.


I can actually do pretty good comparison between Corona and Vray3, but I prefer not to. These discussion don't lead anywhere and everyone has his own opinion on it (and let's face it, everyone on this forum is "Vray professional who can get super quality in zero time", I have no need to go in argument with them).

It's best to simply try and see, it's still free to download.

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It's worth to note that you should download the very latest converter from the forum, not the one packed to 7.1 installer. Martin Geupel constantly updates (actually wait, I'll ask him if it works with public release).

Works absolutely fine, I converted all my decorations and furniture with it. It doesn't mean your scene will look identical, particulary glossiness has different curve and so does bump sensitivity so major materials will have to be tweaked. But it's the best converter there is, trust me, I have quite seamlessly coexisting library of assets for both Vray3 and Corona.


I use ForestPack these days and it works without any issue.



Latest converter: (has correct bump values from Vray)



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What are some of the big differences between Corona and Vray? I can't find an overview anywhere that outlines what sets it apart. It seems like it revolves a lot around HDRI / IBL and most of the examples I see are progressive renderings. Is that fair to say? I've also heard that you can pause and resume renders. That to me seems like a game changer.

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I guess right now is the honeymoon period with easy access and user friendly gestures. I definitely like the flexible use subscription where you only have to pay when you use it with no penalties for stopping and re-starting.





You guys have to see the documentary "Printing the Legend" if you haven't already: (a review)


"The result is both a look inside a compelling new technology, and hopefully, a story about the challenges of growing any type of business, and facing the moral dilemmas our marketplace presents."


It's on Netflix. Film makers follow two startup 3D printing companies started by MIT students and documents their humble beginnings and their explosive growth with it's ensuing rewards and problems. Really fascinating because it documents their growth story in real time.


Basically it shows that businesses start with idealism and altruistic community-oriented goals and then at some point they get slammed by the harsh reality of hard core business competition.

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  okmijun said:
Juraj, are you familiar with those licencing?

I mean, if we download beta, now, how long we can you it?


This is not mydomain or business, I am just user like you :- ) You gotta ask specific questions to Adam Hotovy.


But the current Alpha seems to be licenced until end of year ? It definitely had December something when I installed it.



  braddewald said:
What are some of the big differences between Corona and Vray? ....


It's just another renderer :- ) Those features you mentioned are not unique to Corona, progressive works (almost) perfectly in Vray3 as well. Resume is in almost any pathtracing renderer (Maxwell,Indigo,...).


To me it's more "how it's done" then what it has. It's not fastest, it's not the best. It simply works best for me by merging some of the features others have, in very user-friendly and smart way. It's not only easy, but also fast for its quality, but still perfectly integrated inside 3dsMax. How many renderers are integrated well and completely ? Only Vray (and thus in part iRay) and Mental Ray. Others are just plugins inside.


But otherwise, I don't like comparisons much, it's up to trying, should be free until December or until it goes commercial in November, I am not sure.


  heni30 said:

Basically it shows that businesses start with idealism and altruistic community-oriental goals and then at some point they get slammed by the harsh reality of hard core business competition.


I am confused by this :- D


The two developers behind (Ondra Karlik and Jaroslav Krivanek, I suggest checking who the second guy is, and how many Siggraph papers he has and then you can get idea what to expect in near future) are crazy nerds interested in the best tech possible, they're not altruistic heroes trying to save the world. Adam is the guy behind business now, and he's surely not either :- )


It's business like usual. Just done better.

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We had a go at work converting a vray scene and it worked perfectly, took 1-2 mintues and we where rendering.. Seemed fairly quick.. direct speed comparison has not been done yet.. They seem to behave quite similarly.


So the question is.. apart from price (which is unknown), what are the main pros/cons or reasons to swap from vray.. If they are priced similar then I can't see any good reason to swap.


Does it work for animations? If yes.. how well?

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  mali22 said:
Pricing is known and will be lower than vray.



Ahh cool must have missed that.. Not badly priced.. I swear vray gets more expensive every time i look at it.

I guess the next step is to do a full project in Corona and see how that goes compared to Vray.


And do some test animations.. Any of you guys done actual professional paid jobs still or animation in it yet? How did it go compared to vray workflow

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I think it might not be totally suited for in-house, design development use because as with all path tracers it is slow. Faster than other path tracers and still not as quick as Vray. Hooking up a fer render slaves will help. The final quality is great, just takes a while to clean up the fine noise.


It is very easy to use and the material converter does a fantastic job. Most settings are good enough right out the box, although I do find the documentation a little vague in how to fine tune, other than letting the render cook longer.


Overall I think it is a good companion to Vray, almost a viable replacement, but not quite yet, soon though. Its licencing policy is one of the better ones around, a true rental scheme.

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  Justin Hunt said:
I think it might not be totally suited for in-house, design development use because as with all path tracers it is slow. Faster than other path tracers and still not as quick as Vray. Hooking up a fer render slaves will help. The final quality is great, just takes a while to clean up the fine noise.


So you also agree it is slower.. And I mean in comparison to IR+LC which is essential for me, because I work in an architectural firm where we have many iterations and I need a quick turnaround.

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  mali22 said:
So you also agree it is slower.. And I mean in comparison to IR+LC which is essential for me, because I work in an architectural firm where we have many iterations and I need a quick turnaround.



You/ we, have many itterations, as both architects along with the clients, are acting like a small kids!

"I want this, no I want THIS"

"Buy me THIS toy, oh, no buy me THIS ONE TOY".

In the years of paper and pencil, there was only ONE ITTERATION, and it was final itteration.

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