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Dynamic memory limit?


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Hi everyone..i need some advice


I use Rhino 5 and Vray


I upgraded my ram to 32 GB today but cant seem to set the Dynamic Memory Limit higher than 8192?!


When I render my usage maxes at 15.5 gb which is what it was before installing the ram..


The ram is there and pc has picked it up etc but vray doesnt seem to realise its changed..

How do i get it to wake up so i can burn through more ram etc?


any assistance would be amazing

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I am running Windows 7 Professional and windows shows 32gb


and the usage meater says im only using half ie 15-16 gb during render


I run an i7 3770 with radeon 7990HD and the 32gb ram


during rendering the cpu often hovers around 20-20% usage with the 15gb memory usage as constant

im hoping to get the cpu usage higher by pushing 30 gb memory usage


anyway im not sure..i hope someone knows whats going on

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I think you misunderstand how CPU/RAM work.


If your render is using 15 to 16 GB of RAM, despite having access to 32 GB then that is because the scene simply doesn't need more RAM. RAM is storage, like a hard drive only much much faster to access and data isn't kept in RAM when the computer is turned off.


So to say that you want to get higher CPU usage by pushing more stuff into RAM is like saying you want your internet to go faster by burning more CD's to take up space on your hard drive. The two are totally unconnected in that respect.


Your CPU usage hovering at 20-25% does sound like a problem, but it also sounds to me like you're only using 1 core (hence the 25%) of your processor. This could be for a number of reasons. Does the entire render have the CPU at 25%, or does this pick up later on? I ask this because certain things in VRay aren't multithreaded, such as calculating displacement.

Edited by Macker
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the cpu usage jumps..is hovers at 25 then jumps to 100 then drops again and i do have quite a bit of displacement on my textures.


the problem is that the render is taking almost 2 days and it kindof feels like the pc is slacking when i watch the graphs..im used to renders always maxing cpu for the duration..this one seems a but odd and trying to figure out ways of pushing more out of the pc..

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nope in the render window it says the usual bs..through to "Setting up 8 threads" then loads 3 bitmaps as expected and stays like that for the entire time


i did save what was rendered and restarted and set dynamic limit to 0 meaning it can use memory as necessary..its jumped to 24 gb used which has changed everything :-)


now my other pc which is not as good is lagging behind (distributed render) haha but thats not a problem though

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