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Unity - Creating Video

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Can someone explain to me how to actually create rendered animations from Unity? I have been googling forever and obviously don't even know the right questions to ask.


I'm talking about exporting the individual frames similar to what you would do in Max. Is that even possible, or do people just build a scene and then screen record it?


Thanks much.

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You need to not confuse "animation" with pre-rendered video. Animation in real time is usually meant for things like characters or balls swinging to and fro. Another common term to search for is "frame dump".


Generally this how you set it up.




Don't use things like Fraps to screen record your Unity movie. The compression kills the quality.

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Thanks! Those both worked perfectly.


And yes, I pretty quickly stopped searching "animation" because of what you said above. I was trying stuff like, "output", "video", "render frames" etc. Never heard of "Frame Dump," so thanks for that as well. First result was what I needed.



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