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yet another kitchen...


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this is another old model that ive tried to re-render with Vray.


Max, Vray and a bit of Photoshop. Rendertime was about 1 hour, but the AA is really bad in this one....


its not finished... but crits and comments are always nice, so hit me!


the chairs, wineglasses and winebottle are not mine - I got them from the free section of evermotion.org.....

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Nice image Kalle. I think the only thing that really sticks out to me is the dishwasher. You can't see any reveals on either side of it. as well as the base. I would think that you would see a break at the baseboard. Great image though. Did you use a daylight system for lighting?



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yup, the dishwasher looks bad. didnt notice that. As I said, this is an old scene... guess ill have to make a new washer-model...


no daylight system... I always put one Vray light in every window and then use a "target direct" as sunlight. The sunlight is slightly yellowish, and the Vraylights are a litte blueish.


Ill post an update when its finished... hopefully tomorrow...


thanks again!

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My favorite part about this one, is the slight glimmer of the wall tiles below the range hood. Very nice. The baseboard transition under the cabinets looks a little awkward.


I have always found it slightly odd, and just a bit creepy, to see a table set, and wine poured, with not a person to be found. Maybe the glasses could be empty.


Looks really good though, looking forward to the update.

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thanks marcelo! always nice to hear comments like that =) but no, its definetly not perfect... can always improve...


throads - thanks man.

"The baseboard transition under the cabinets looks a little awkward" - do you mean the stainless steel part that connects to the floor?? Im thinking of making it smaller... maybe 10-12 cm. it looks like its 15-20 now...


"I have always found it slightly odd, and just a bit creepy, to see a table set, and wine poured, with not a person to be found. Maybe the glasses could be empty. "

havent thought of that, but now that you say it... your right, it looks a bit creepy. where did all the people go? ...maybe theyre shy and didnt wanna be in the pic. who knows...

however, since there are alot of red and orange parts in this image, I thought it would be nice with some red wine too... if I have the time Ill make a render without the wine to compare..

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throads - thanks man.

"The baseboard transition under the cabinets looks a little awkward" - do you mean the stainless steel part that connects to the floor?? Im thinking of making it smaller... maybe 10-12 cm. it looks like its 15-20 now...


Yep, it looks too tall, and the transition to the floor looks unresolved. It looks o.k. on the left, where the depth of the toe kick is visible, but on the back wall, it is very flat, and that may be adding to the awkward feel.

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throads - ill try to make it better...


IP - the background is just a pic of a tree I pasted in PS, didnt pay much attention to it. Ill work some more on it.


Drik - yup, true. they are poorly done, have no detail, and not even glass in them I think... must rework them too...



heres a quick test with no colors, just trying to find a new camera angle... what do you think?

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Dishwasher looks great! :D


I think this camera angle helps with the floorboard problem. Since your not looking directly at them they don't look as tall. I'm interested to see how dark the objects will be in the back corner when you have materials on them...

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heres the same render with materials....


got a problem... this render (700x436 pixels) took 3.5 hours with low GI settings. the GI took maybe 20 min, and the render 3 hours+


so If I would render this for print on an A3 size paper that would take about 1.5 days or something like that. my computer isnt the best in the world but its not bad, so thats not the problem... I really need ways to decrease the rendertimes without decreasing the quality of the render too much.

Any help with this greatly appreciated. If you need to see some settings and stuff just let me know and Ill post them...


oh, and the black buttons on the oven, dishwasher etc looks bad. too black right now... will fix this to the next render...



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lots of settings here... as said, the GI is low quality, what took time was the actual rendering.

there are lots of glossy materials in the scene, so it will never render fast, but if you can help me to make it render faster I would appreciate it alot!


stainless steal material has 20 subdivs, and take forever to render. But with less subdivs it looks too noisy.


my comp is a p4 2400 with 1 gb ram.

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looks so nice as an overall image....the second render is much better too...but hence there are no people why not try removing the wine glasses and other table sets and dishes..??...an then replace them with a nice flower bouquet in the middle of the table..won't that give the scene a more sense of " life "..??!!

the tea set on the left hand side is a bit annoying...i guess removing them will give the red tiling a nicer chance to appear...

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Reduce your face level/coeff to something around .5 in the system rollout. It will take more memory but supposedly speed up rendering. Also you should try lowering the subdiv. on your Vray lights. Try something around 10 and see if that works without adding too much noise the the render. It really makes a big difference in rendering time. With the new builds you can get by with much lower settings so you if you started this with an old build and are now using a new build, you should maybe start a new file, and merge the whole scene into the new file and start the new settings from scratch. That might also help a lot. I like to start with the lower settings and work my way up until I find something that is quick & good quality.


I've also found that you can get good settings by checking "store with irradience map" on your vray lights. You do have to increase your IRmap settings, but I think will still save you time on rendering.


Hope some of these help & good luck. Good renderings btw.



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timmatron - thanks alot! Got some help over att the vray forum, but I didnt know about the face level/coeff thing.... Ill try that. and also lowering the subs of the lights.


I did a render yesterday with higher GI settings and "store with IRR map" checked on the lights (still with 20 subdivs) , and it cut the rendertimes in half!! (I also lowered the glossy subdivs on some of the materials... )

I get some blurred shadows here and there that Im not too fond of, but I guess I should increase the IRR map even more.



SEIF - thanks for the comments! some of the dishes will probably go, and maybe also the tea set (I dont like it either)... not sure about the stuff on the table thought. If I find a nice flower bouquet ill give it a shot!

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sorry for the late reply/update....


this one took 1 hour 2 minutes to render (a LOT less than the last one), but unfortunately it shows... the whole thing is a little blotchy, and ive replaced some of the glossy reflections with normal reflections... doesnt look as nice...


Ill keep testing new settings, and if I manage to render the scene both fast and beautifully Ill post all the settings i can find =)


thanks for the help everyone...


btw, the wine looks totally wrong... still working on this...

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