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XP SP2 - How many are using it?

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I've been holding off as long as I can, but wanted to know how many people are successfulyl using SP2. My taskbar reminder keeps poping up to tell me that "it's ready for install" but I so far have been diligent in closing that window. :)


It is ready to install or are there still issues?

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I was scared too... I finally did it... it took a while to do (30 mins or so), but it seems pretty good so far. The new firewall feature feels a lot like the old Zonealarm thing where it keeps asking you if you want to let application blah access the network. After a confirmation it saves that to a databse that you can change. Pretty straight forward. I have not had any issues yet, but it may be early since I only did it last week.

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Christopher, Ernest and Jeff,


I was scared too.... First I started on the Laptop. I had put XP on this Laptop a while ago (Same one you have). When I put the original XP Pro in lieu of the Home, the Toshiba lost all the special buttons. Of course I did that the same day I got the machine and didn't know how good are some of those utility buttons. Then I bought a projector and couldn't get the remote to work on XP. A month ago I put SP2 on the machine and some of the buttons came back again....


Still no remote...... after trying for about a week... I was decided to give the laptop to the kids.... When I called Toshiba and raised hell about their Canadian tech support group.... (Hi Hi Hi... I don't understand their accent....) They put a tech supervisor who said I could do all I wanted but the machine was never going to work until the DMI's get re-calibrated. Once I was in charge of our branch in Canada... the name was DMI..... That's about the only DMI I knew.... I thought to myself, Yeah, these Canadians and their DMI's..... Hi Hi


Well it turns out that Toshibas has some kind of little chipset that keeps a logbook of what component are in the machine. If you change a hardrive and try them to do warranty support on your machine while quietly keeping the hardrive change as a secret.... No luck because they have an electronic fingerprint of your machine... Nifty little trick.... They also do that to keep track of Toshiba theft issues.... There is many other functionalities of that little chipset... Who knows what it will do.....


I think my wife talks to the chipset.....!


This recalibration can only be done by a factory tech or somebody that has access to a special proprietary software Toshiba has on a special site for tech dealers. I took the machine to the local dealer. He re-adjusted the DMI strings.... It only took 3 or 4 minutes. He flashed the laptop something.... I think it was magical powders. He said he was embarrased to charge me for his services. The guy was my age and we talked for a little while. We clicked on very well. He said this machine is one of the best they have put out. As he predicted... once the DMI's where re-adjusted everything would be OK.


And OK is an understatement.... The machine is in perfect conditions with all the original functionalities of all of its buttons, including the remote control. All this while on SP2.


I got trigger happy and loaded SP2 to all the other machines. All of them are working fine.... All the high end software is OK. On the dual Xeon, I think the machine is a tab faster..... maybe my imagination..... On the dual Opteron the Nikon Capture 1.03 will not work. In fact it will crash the machine every time I try to load the Capture Software. I have tried everything including the DEP switches and writing some code to the boot.ini. This is a docummented bug on Microsoft SP2 and the Opteron's. MS blames AMD and AMD blames NIKON and Nikon may blame my children..... who knows. It has something to do with the anti piracy controls they have on SP2. The Nikon tech told me that when they come out with the new Capture 2 for the Nikon DX2 it will take care of the Opteron issues.


My PSD Manager on Opteron's stopped working. I got very exited becasue of my sensitivity... with that little software that I have learned to love and depend too much on it. After giving CEBAS a frantic desperate call... they did their best too keep me under control.... Within a small short time they had it running... I am sure it was nothing with them and something with me. SP2 caused some conflict with my SolidWORKS 2005. Everytime I hit the SW icon the machine will go into some loop. I removed SW2005 and re-loaded and everything is fine.


I heard that the reason Microsoft is pushing hard on the SP2 is because thay have some kind of anti piracy code that calls them every time there are issues. However, I think they are feeding my wife our corporate secrets. Since SP2 every time I buy a new toy.... My wife certainly learns inmediately about what I bought and how much I paid. That's about the main issue I have with SP2.






Good Luck


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I've been running SP2 on my dual XEON PC since I got it... no issues with it versus regular XP. I actaully upgraded my sister's laptop to SP2 cuz its more secure and lord knows I need to protect her laptop as much as possible - since I know I would be drafted into fixing it if anything went wrong.


Also, as a side comment about SP2 - with my old PC (that ran regular XP), I always had issues connecting to my old internet PC which still ran Win98... well with SP2 it sees that computer no problems at all. So that was a nice surprise.

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I started on the Laptop. I had put XP on this Laptop a while ago


Elliot, two things:


First, many laptops use patched OS's and especially video drivers. Dell certainly does. So one cannot assume that a regular copy of that sort of software will work. Not that all companies do that.


Second, your wife isn't getting secrets from Microsoft via the hidden chipset in your laptop--she's reading your creditcard statement. Pay cash or 'fess up!

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Well I bit the bullet and installed SP2....so far everything seems to work fine. I just shut the firewall off. ;) I figure a Cisco PIX is more than enough security. Or course that is only inbound traffic.


I used to run Zone Alarm, but have not done so in quite a while and everything seems to be running smoothly.

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The laptop I don't know what I did but it is working....


Now, the wife.... I really don't know, that's much more complex than SP2. I wonder is there is a patch or something I could do..... I had hope there was a System Restore like on Windows, that could go back to the original system. Wouldn't that be a wonderfull business idea..... Can you imagine the millions and trillions licenses we could sell.


You figure that one out let me know.... Making a surface exhibit shine and radiosity is simple.... Hi Hi


Happy Turkey....






I am just kidding.... I know Frances read these messages and once in a while she reminds the group that "Mother Hen" is not approving some of our comments. Kind of bringing everybody on line. And I do agree with her....!


Just for the record.... I am just kidding....


By the way... my wife reads the forum too..... she wants to know what is it that keeps me here so many hours.....!!!!

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She knows I am not into that... I am just too old with too many kids. Tripplets and twins..... The young kids play with the computers and that's like having your own "Net Nanny" program.... The old ones are off too college and who knows what they look into.... However, they were raised under a very strong religious background..... one of the wants to be a minister.....


My wife has become an expert into checking the history of the browsers, just to follow what the kids are looking at. It is incredible, the twin, they are seven years old...... it is amazing at all the children sites that they visit...


I don't really know where they get the information. It must be from TV. We are continuosly checking since we don't trust the internet. It is really wonderfull to see the development of the young ones vs the older ones. The young ones in order to understand the internet they were reading at about 3.5 yrs old.... Of course very basic stuff and with the help of my wife.... an English school teacher....


It is 3:00 am and I just trying to do a 3D model.....



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i use it and i dont.


one of my xeons has it installed and it runs nicely, specially with c4d. but my Viz machine hasn't got it installed. as soon as i tried it viz refused to run.


im also having a few hardware probs on both machines where photoshop is refusing to recognise certain scanners and printers. all since sp2 was installed.

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Now, the wife.... I wonder is there is a patch or something I could do..... I had hope there was a System Restore like on Windows, that could go back to the original system.


You mean return her to a 24 year-old hottie? Ain't gonna happen. It's you that needs to change. Maybe you need to download a new firmware for yourself. The system doesn't need to be restored, just needs new drivers to handle hardware changes and newer programs.


And the kids on the Internet---here's the rule in my house: you do not go on any website without telling us first. You are not going to be randomly surfing. When presented with a window, the answer is always 'no' to whatever it wants to do. We will be checking on you, and no, you cannot have a computer or TV in your room.



Sorry, Jeff, for getting off-topic. But these things we do.

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You are right on both counts. On the kids.... you are right, that's what we do here. As matter of fact they are next to me right now.... we don't let them surf on their own without supervision...


The other issue you are right, the problem is the my hardware can't be flashed to the new firmaware and my bio's are no longer in production.... discontinued long time ago......!


My wife says that it is easier to get a new model than to update this old one....


Happy Thanksgiving



Jeff.... wait till you get to this age and with kids.... you are going to enjoy it.... All I can tell you is use your freedom now..... Hi Hi Wait till your 7 year olds start correcting you in public and asking about your English.... It's a lot of fun....


SP2 has a lot of similarities with real life..... That's the excuse for the detour from the thread... Hi Hi

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A couple in their 60's were in a restaraunt celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary when the Fairy Godmother came to them and offered each of them a wish. The woman looked lovingly at her husband and wished for their continued happiness and good health for the rest of their lives. The man looked at his wife and said "Well, I'm sorry honey, but wishes don't come along every day, so I'm going for it. I wish I had a wife who was 30 years younger than me." So the Fairy Godmother promptly transformed him into a 93 year-old man.

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If my wife turns any younger than what she is right now.... I will run away.....! We really are almost the same age.... However, she looks at least 15 years younger than me. She is one of those that can eat anything and don't gain weight. Me on the contrary, I gain weight from watching her eat desserts. She is also younger than me at heart.....


As you see... I don't want her any younger..... I will go crazy...... When we got married she used to be my age.... since we got the twins.... now she has turned younger on me.... 40 minutes ago she was climbing a tree with the kids.... !!!!! Now they are riding their bikes..... While I am trying to render something on VIZ......!


The system recover is to bring her back to my age......!!!!! Hi Hi Hi..... Perhaps..... to re-program me to before Lightscape....!




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