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ever think about saying "Sh$t happens"


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hi, im a little frustated right now, i've been working on this project of a mall following the lighting plans every inch of it working with .ies files and all that, for 3 weeks now, yesterday the client of my client decided that he dont like the lighting project and decided to change it all, now i only have 3 days to make the adjustments and thinks well "SH$t happens"...


anyone been in a situation like this before, would help knowing in not the only one...


anyway wish me luck...



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Last minute changes and Architectural CG go hand in hand....you are definitely not alone. Some time long long ago (probably shortly after the wheel was invented) someone decided it was ok in the Architectural industry to be indecisive as possible, wait until the last minute to compete a project, and make as many changes as possible leading up to the deadline (most of them only hours before that dealine). Then this ridiculous precedent perpetuated itself and now seems to be the accepted operating procedure in the industry.



If I had a time machine, I'd go back and shoot the guy who started this. ;)

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yup, happens to us all.


i'm working modelling up my main project right as we speak - a 4 storey shopping mall, about the length of 4 football fields, with hundreds of shop units in it.


i start off by modelling all the steel work which is usually my main base/frame to set off everything else.


now i've been working on and off of this job for 6 months or so now. not far off completion of the mesh. my architect turned round to me 3 days ago an announced the ALL steels, beams, columns and steel sizes are to change. every single one of them.


you didnt want to be in the vacinity of me 2 days ago i can tell you

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lol... i feel thy pain my friend... I think it is the story of everyone in the industry. The problem lies with the our good friends uneducated clients cause they think it is pressing of a button matter and the problem is solved. They do not realise of what it takes and how it is achieved. Personally in our quotations we have a clause that should the "gold posts" move during the project the client will be billed at an hourly rate which we specifically set at a radiculus price so they can think twice about making radiculous requests. You want to redesign lighting???... you shall pay for it dearly...lol... good luck...

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