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New Studio Name Recommendation

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Hello! Guys..


I am Dhaivat Soni, I started my Arch-Viz Firm a years ago when I was a kid, and I name it "Dhaivatfilms", Because at that time I was doing Video things like Editing little VFX and all kind of that stuff too..


But, now these days I am completely in Arch-Viz Field. My client find my studio name inappropriate for Obvious reasons. Therefore I am Re-branding my Studio.


After Brainstorming so much I came up with Nothing :(


We need a New name, In end we will add "Design Studio"...


Friends gave this suggestions:


Outworld Design Studios

Broken Box Studios


But I dont want negative things


Thanks In Advance :) Keep Suggesting!!

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sounds a bit cheesy and it's taken from the Breaking bad series but I thought it could fit well with 3d stuff..


Grey Matter studios or Grey Matter something else...


Grey matter has a double sense, one is for clay rendering and the other is because arch-viz is an artistic and technical field where you gotta have some brain to do something great!


anyway, good luck with the rebranding!

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I read a lot of posts here, and once in a while there are hilarious stuff going on. This post is one of those. Hehe. No offence to the thread starter, but if you are unable to find your own studio name, then you probably will have trouble coming up with creative ideas for your clients.

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If all you need is an abstract word, I suggest you visit thesaurus.com


But, really, as a starting point you should put some thought into and write down words that describe your design philosophy, business goal, or yourself as a designer. Then put the thesaurus to work! It's difficult to think of words out of the blue, especially words you may not use all the time, so having some regular words to start with will lead you to more interesting, cool, or unique words to turn into a name.


Good luck!


Honestly, Blade Studios is boring and average, not awesome.

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While I agree one should come up with his/her business name him-/herself, I don´t think finding the best name is connected how you can manage your business or how good your work is.


If you can´t find "the best name", just pick something else. I believe there´s pretty much no difference anyway whether it´s a cool or a boring name. Your clients hire you for different reasons.

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"A very creative studio with no name"... Just kidding, let me tell you what i've done, i started to note some things that my studio name should have.


- small words - very important

- Try finding words that means something... not like "kazz studio" or "lun studio" (i've searched on google before just to be sure that there was any studio with those name i've listed ) :D

- And something very important, the name of your studio must be pronunciable correctly in your native language, as an example i live in brazil, people are not used to speak simple words like trash... they will speak like trrésh... and it whould piss me off for the entire life...

- Go out, see things, objects, think about how lay people will pronunciate that.

- And the MOST important, search if somebody are already using before start using that name.


Use your imagination, your brand must reflect your style... and if you already done all i've said, put your last name or initials and you will definetly find something... good luck!

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I would definitely go with awesome-shit-design-studio as previously mentioned. If the url is taken then maybe switch it up and go for shit-studio-awesome or studio-awesome-shit dot com or maybe even we-do-awesome-shits dot com. Having the words awesome and shit in the name is the crux here.

If the word shit is perceived as a swear word in your particular professional circles you can easily replace it with the word 'balls'. Awesome-balls dot com is guaranteed to be taken, but we-have-awesome-balls dot com is likely still out there.

And if you want to really stretch your creative legs (or balls) then change the word 'awesome' for the s-word. Thats right, 'suck'. I was going to call my company StudioSuckBallsAwesome but, alas, the url was gone for that. Some other creative branding genius had swiped it from beneath my eyes whilst I pondered.

Just spit-balling here. Throwing shit at the wall to see what skids.

Good luck, brave warrior.


EDIT: Holy Cow !!! I didnt even mention sucks-awesome-balls dot com! I need to check myself.

Edited by Tommy L
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