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Maxwell, Vray, C4D, Final Render Comparison


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Here's a link I came across on the Final Render forum. I was not involved in any of the tests, but will be conducting several for fR, VRay, MR, Brazil, and Radiosity.




Thanks to Mario_Rothenbuehler for posting it, hope no one minds me posting it here, I thought a few might be interested.


It's not scientific, unfortunately, as they all look different. But look at the render times.

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Hmmmm... Looks to me like the FR image either uses a little DOF, which I doubt with a render time like that, or it was a lower res image that was blown up, which would be cheating in my opinion. I'm not sure how usefull this info is since all the computer specs vary so wildly and we don't know too much about the settings on most of them.


I look forward to your findings though!

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they all should be low res images. But you are correct, it's interesting but not much more.

I am still surprised that there have not been any comparison tests. Surely there are companies out there that are interested in some research to determine which one is best for them (it's next to impossible to objectively compare them, although I will be involved with something like this, it'll take a long time to get the results).


Anyone else do any comparisons?

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well to do comparisons you have to be proficient in all rendering engines plus if you are satisfied with one and you like working ...why move on to others . i work in vray by the way and i wont move to any other rendering engine

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