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decals in max


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could someone please help me with using decals?


i need to put a logo for example (.jpg) on an object that already has its color/material set. i tried using white text with an opacity map and it works ok, however if i try using a colored logo i can't get it to work.



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Use a composite map in the diffuse slot. The first material is your "underlay" material, and the other ones are what you add on. If you want a decal, just use a bitmap (assigned to a map channel) and turn off the tiling options.


That's how I made my brick wall in the other topic: (to which nobody replied :().



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thanks Menno, i think i figured it out...


just one more thing:


if i have a bitmap of a logo and want just the logo to show i have to edit it in photoshop>ad an alpha channel for the transparent background? can i just use that new image (.tga for example) in the opacity map?


i tried also makin two images in photoshop: one is the logo with the background in black and the other is the same just with the logo in white> i then used them with a mask map....but the result edges are not very straight...

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