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Retail/Residential Project

steven martin

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This is a very quick rendering (a day so far total work) and is being used as a design tool.

There are bits and pieces changing all the time and no materials have been discussed/chosen for project yet.

What you see is an initial suggested view indicating possible materials (only indicating a change in material just now), however I feel I need to start to look at the materials, lighting and interiors in the next process of the design to help bring this to life.


Comments/suggestions to make this a good as possible

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I don't really have anything to say at this time, It's looking good to me. I'd like to see the textures on it. Good start!


well, ok, maybe I could say one thing. I'd like to see something in the foreground maybe framing it somehow. Perhaps a building, a fancy phone booth or something like that along the assumed sidewalk. To me, this viewpoint, is calling for something in the foreground. (front left side). You want the building to feel like it's been there, yet, it appears as though everything in front of the model was cleared out of the way so it could find a place to sit.

Just a thought.



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The site photo needs some life put into it. Overall I think its looking very dark & gloomy - rendering included.


Also the perspective of the building is very bothersome to me. I can't say exactly whats wrong with it, but to me it looks like you are using a wide angle lense and using the camera correction modifier. Looks very un-natural for the perspective that the site photo suggests.


Keep us posted on the final image!

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Yeah I was having a problem with the matching the perspective.

The background is taken from 2 photographs and they are stuck together, so I rendered 2 views and stuck them together to match the perspectives in the photograph.

I havent touched up the photograph yet and its in it's raw state which it's why it's quiet dark.


Thanks for pointers/comments

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Yeah I know I rendered the sides separately in 2 different perspectives to match the photograhs in the background and joined them together.


The client wants this view but the space being very enclosed and is difficult to photograph.


I was trying to create something dramatic (although not accurate) by doing it this way. (I guess we'll find out soon enough)

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Agree with photo perspective, and the building portion at the right side just looks to dark almost like a black band, maybe lighting it in photoshop would help define or maybe moving POV a little more to the left...


Also cg building looks to bright compared to general photo.

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As I said I will "photoshop" everything up for final images but xmas spirit (namely Jack Daniels) has taken over for the festive period.


On a good night the client is happy with the image just now (which means it is going to change completely) so I have bought myself another 3 weeks to work on my other projects

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